DAFIF import
Sean Bampton
Global Mapper UserTrusted User
I'm not sure if DAFIF (Digital Aeronautical Flight Information File) data is still publicly accessible, but would it be possible to include this data as an import type?
I have a specific need to import the data and strip it into it's individual components (navaids, waypoints, aerodromes, etc) before changing their attributes and exporting them to vector format.
I have a specific need to import the data and strip it into it's individual components (navaids, waypoints, aerodromes, etc) before changing their attributes and exporting them to vector format.
This has been on our todo list (internal item #11748) for a while, but given the age of the format it hasn't been a high priority. I'll add a note that it was requested from here so when and if it gets done this thread will be notified.
Global Mapper Guru
Blue Marble Geographics for Coordinate Conversion, Image Reprojection and Vector Translation -
Hey Mike,
What did you mean by age of the format? -
I mean that it hasn't been publicly available for a while (2006 is what I see on Wikipedia), at least from NGA. Is there some current source of data that is publishing in this format?
Global Mapper Guru
Blue Marble Geographics for Coordinate Conversion, Image Reprojection and Vector Translation -
I know this is an old thread, but has the DAFIF format been added to any of the latest versions of GM? I know the format isn't publicly available, but the military and other government departments still use it and it continues to be updated every 28 days.
Hi Sean,
The enhancement request for that format (ID#11748) is still pending and there is no assigned target date for implementation at this time. Where are you getting updated, current data from for the DAFIF format?
Edit: Spelling -
Hi Jasmine
I'm getting the monthly updates directly from the Canadian military Mapping and Charting Estsblishment in Ottawa. I'll assume they're getting it directly from the source. I know FME can handle the format and do what I want to do, but we aren't getting that software.
This function would be an absolutely incredible increase in our capabilities and, of course, would be greatly appreciated.
Sean -
This is old, but I too am interested in importing DAFIF data. It is a simple text import and I suspect if I tweak the .txt file I could make GM happy, but as there are regular DAFIF updates and I think there may be some variation in the columns from one DAFIF data set to another (airport reference point file vs. traffic rout lines file) it would be wonderful if GM would be able to read the files directly without a lot of work on my end. -Thanks. :-)
If you were able to send them a current version of the data, perhaps they could work it into an update for the current version, if it's a simple fix? My need to be able to manipulate this data also still exists.
3dvr_m4 said:This is old, but I too am interested in importing DAFIF data. It is a simple text import and I suspect if I tweak the .txt file I could make GM happy, but as there are regular DAFIF updates and I think there may be some variation in the columns from one DAFIF data set to another (airport reference point file vs. traffic rout lines file) it would be wonderful if GM would be able to read the files directly without a lot of work on my end. -Thanks. :-)
Where should I send the sample to? (email addr or ftp site?)
You can attach the file here, or e-mail it to Blue Marble Geographics Support (geohelp@bluemarblegeo.com) and refer to this thread and bug #11748. If the file is too large, the support folks can provide you with FTP information. In either case, I recommend putting the file in a zip archive.
I'm not sure if 3dvr_m4 uploaded the data so I've got the latest one ready to go, but it's just < 60 MB.
Have this issue come any further the last 5 years?
I hold the march 2021 edition if needed.
No change in the status. The identifier in our task list has changed to GM-1327. I have added the user information from this thread to the feature request.
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