Unicode revisit - chart file paths
Hi Mike!
I've read in a couple other posts that GlobalMapper doesn't handle Unicode yet. How difficult would it be to add a GM_LoadLayerListExW() function? Instead of providing a const char*, a const wchar_t* would be used? This would mostly be to handle the windows long file paths, which could be unicode.
I've read in a couple other posts that GlobalMapper doesn't handle Unicode yet. How difficult would it be to add a GM_LoadLayerListExW() function? Instead of providing a const char*, a const wchar_t* would be used? This would mostly be to handle the windows long file paths, which could be unicode.
It would be easy enough to add a function that took a Unicode string, but internally it would just get converted to a multi-byte string in the current system code page and passed to the normal non-Unicode load function. A lot of the low-level libraries that work with individual formats expect names as non-Unicode strings. Do the filenames that you want to work with not work when expressed as a non-Unicode string?
Global Mapper Guru
http://www.bluemarblegeo.com/products/global-mapper.php -
Hi Mike!
We have tried to a few tricks, but ended up doing exactly as you had mentioned. Converting the wide string to a "local" 8-bit string seemed to do the trick.
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