Problem with GM_DeleteFeature?
I read in help that GM_DeleteFeature changes the delete status of feature. How can i really delete and free the feature?
In my Application, i have a layer and i should add and delete features in it, but after programs runs for a long time, memory usage increases too much! I guess that i should delete and free features to prevent this problem!
Is there any opinion?
I read in help that GM_DeleteFeature changes the delete status of feature. How can i really delete and free the feature?
In my Application, i have a layer and i should add and delete features in it, but after programs runs for a long time, memory usage increases too much! I guess that i should delete and free features to prevent this problem!
Is there any opinion?
You need to close the layer that the feature is in to truly delete it and free the memory. If you have a mix of deleted and active features in a layer this wouldn't be practical, but what you could do is perhaps export the layer to a new Global Mapper Package file (GM_ExportPackage), then close the layer and load it back in. This should get rid of the deleted features.
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