Question, metadata "COVERED AREA" value unit?
If you change your area measure units on the General tab of the Configuration dialog that should control those reported units.
Global Mapper Guru -
Thanks, Mike.
I want to use SDK.(SDK version 1.37)
Change area measure units function? -
There isn't any way in that version of the SDK to programmatically set the area display units. I am adding that right now for the latest SDK.
For older versions you could run 'regedit and go to the registry location for your program (like 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Global Mapper', although potentially with a sub key if you used GM_SetRegistryKey) and set the value of the AreaMeasureUnits key. Its values are the same as the GM_AreaUnits_t8 type defined in GlobalMapperTypes.h. Do this before starting your application or at least before calling GM_SetRegistryKey.
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