Can't find this projection in GM drop down list

Global Mapper UserTrusted User
I have some data from Portland Oregon area and I found meta data for this lidar in two different areas. Now I've tried using the State Plane and it's not correct. I can't get imagery to show (usually means your projection info is wrong). So it must be the "Oregon Lambert". But I don't see that in the drop down list in GM. Please help me to figure out what projection to load into GM. Thanks.
Here's the projection info I found online for this data:
ODF AIO's delivered in Oregon Lambert, EPSG 2992, with horizontal units in International Feet and vertical units in US Survey Feet, in the NAD83/NAVD88 datum (Geoid 03).
All other AOIs are delivered in Oregon State Plane North, with horizontal units in International
Feet and vertical units in US Survey Feet, in the NAD83 HARN/NAVD88 datum (Geoid 03).
Coordinates System:
Horizontal: Oregon Lambert, NAD83 (CORS96) Intl Feet [EPSG: 2994]
Vertical: NAVD88
Here's the projection info I found online for this data:
ODF AIO's delivered in Oregon Lambert, EPSG 2992, with horizontal units in International Feet and vertical units in US Survey Feet, in the NAD83/NAVD88 datum (Geoid 03).
All other AOIs are delivered in Oregon State Plane North, with horizontal units in International
Feet and vertical units in US Survey Feet, in the NAD83 HARN/NAVD88 datum (Geoid 03).
Coordinates System:
Horizontal: Oregon Lambert, NAD83 (CORS96) Intl Feet [EPSG: 2994]
Vertical: NAVD88
While there isn't a separate projection listing for Oregon Lambert, you can use the Init From EPSG button on the Projection dialog and use 2992 to initialize the projection to that.
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Global Mapper Guru -
global_mapper wrote: »While there isn't a separate projection listing for Oregon Lambert, you can use the Init From EPSG button on the Projection dialog and use 2992 to initialize the projection to that.
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Global Mapper Guru
Thank you Mike - worked like a charm. -
Thanks for the education on using the EPSG load option for Projection. Worked for me on this specific Oregon Lambert, also.
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