GM SDK versus GDAL for raster elevation import
I have a couple of questions regarding GM's SDK (I am not currently a user, but am considering becoming such).
1. Can the DLL be used with MinGW, rather than VC (I'm assuming it was built with VC)?
2. Do any users have experience with both GDAL and the GM SDK, and what was their experience?
A. Cogbill
1. Can the DLL be used with MinGW, rather than VC (I'm assuming it was built with VC)?
2. Do any users have experience with both GDAL and the GM SDK, and what was their experience?
A. Cogbill
The GM SDK is just a standard Windows DLL, so you can use it from pretty much any environment. It was developed with VC++ and the samples have Visual Studio projection with them (except the user-supplied Delphi sample), but you can use it anywhere. You should also be able to use GDAL along with it, the GM SDK includes shouldn't pollute your namespace.
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