Generate Linear from Points
Global Mapper User
Is there any way to generate a line feature given a set of points? These points will typically be arranged in a line and are also attributed with a parameter that specifies the order.
Is there any way to generate a line feature given a set of points? These points will typically be arranged in a line and are also attributed with a parameter that specifies the order.
The only way to do that with Global Mapper would be to add all of the points in the line to a text file, then load that text file in with the File->Open Generic ASCII Data file menu command at 'Point, Line, and Area' data vs. just Point data. You would need to make sure that the points are in the correct order before importing them.
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Global Mapper Support -
That's easy enough, but then the points are still just points, correct? I need to generate a linear from those points. In other words, I no longer want point features, I want a linear that uses those points as its vertices. I can manually do that by going into the Digitizer and selecting "Create New Line Feature", the clicking on each point in order. That works, but I was wondering if there was an automated way of converting a bunch of points to a linear.
brian -
Hi Grishnakh,
Would you mind attaching a sample text of the points you want to make as a line. I'll make a tutorial...importing ASCII part II for you.
Paul. -
Ok, this isn't real data, but it is something similar. The data is in UTM Zone 11, WGS84. The third coordinate is elevation.
brian -
ah I see the problem - if the points are on adjacent lines, a linear is created. Works for me.
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