Too many Islands Chokes the Complier
Roger Edrinn
Global Mapper UserTrusted User
Here's a lake with islands which chokes cGPSmapper: attached.
The MP mapping language allows islands to be holes in an area (lake). But their are too many. Is their a workaround short of deleting the islands?
This is the only un-compiled mp file out of ~400, so I'm desperate.
The MP mapping language allows islands to be holes in an area (lake). But their are too many. Is their a workaround short of deleting the islands?
This is the only un-compiled mp file out of ~400, so I'm desperate.
The only workaround that I can think of is to split the area into multiple areas. However, in Global Mapper you would need to find two vertices in the main area such that the line between them does not cut through any of the islands, otherwise there will be islands that can't be assigned to the two new parent areas. I couldn't see an obvious place to do this, but I didn't spend a lot of time looking.
You might provide this file to cGPSMapper support as it seems a limitation like this might be easy to overcome on their end.
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Global Mapper Support -
global_mapper wrote: »The only workaround that I can think of is to split the area into multiple areas. However, in Global Mapper you would need to find two vertices in the main area such that the line between them does not cut through any of the islands, otherwise there will be islands that can't be assigned to the two new parent areas. I couldn't see an obvious place to do this, but I didn't spend a lot of time looking.
Can the split line(s) be irregular or must they be straight? I've played this game before with a single island in a stream and I added a few verticies so I could include the island.
Thanks -
To split an area in Global Mapper you select two vertices on the edge of the area feature to split with the Digitizer Tool, then right click and select the split option. As such, the split line has to be a straight line between the two selected vertices.
I did a test whereby I split the lake into a half-dozen areas. The exported MP file still choked the complier. Bummer.
I would forward the file to cGPSMapper technical support as there may be some other problem.
global_mapper wrote: »I would forward the file to cGPSMapper technical support as there may be some other problem.
I had a similar problem in mid-Jan, was asked to forward a copy of the MP file. To date I've had no reply, not even a response to a second email: Did you receive the zip file?
So you might understand my lack of enthusiasm.
BTW, I opened the MP file in MS-Word and deleted all the pages of islands (Data0?). The file then compiled fine. Told you I was desperate.
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