shift Layers a Fixed Distance ???
You can use the GM_RepositionLayer function to provide a new set of control points with the shifted location. For vector data you only need 2 control points, say with input ("pixel") locations of 0,0 and 1,1 and the output (ground) locations of the shift added to that. So if you wanted to go 3 meters east and 2 meters south, the output points would be (-3,2) [note you have to negate the shift] and (-2,3). For raster layers just get the control point list from the GM_GetLayerInfo call, adjust each mGroundX and mGroundY value by the shift amount, then call GM_RepositionLayer with the new control points list.
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Global Mapper Guru -
Mike One more question?
How do I use (in shp or dxf vector) -
vector case :
GM_RepositionLayer how to use ???
Please sample code -
Try something like the following to shift a layer handle (theLayerHandle in code below) 3 units to the east and 2 units to the south:
GM_GroundControlPoint_t theGCPList[2];
memset( theGCPList, 0, sizeof theGCPList );
double theShiftX = 3.0;
double theShiftY = -2.0;
theGCPList[0].mPixelX = 0;
theGCPList[0].mPixelY = 0;
theGCPList[0].mGroundX = theGCPList[0].mPixelX - theShiftX;
theGCPList[0].mGroundY = theGCPList[0].mPixelY - theShiftY;
theGCPList[1].mPixelX = 1;
theGCPList[1].mPixelY = 1;
theGCPList[1].mGroundX = theGCPList[1].mPixelX - theShiftX;
theGCPList[1].mGroundY = theGCPList[1].mPixelY - theShiftY;
GM_RepositionLayer( theLayerHandle, theGCPList, 2, NULL );
Note I just did this off the top of my head and haven't compiled or tested it, but you should get the idea.
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
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