Copy and Paste Features
Global Mapper UserUnconfirmed
I have the latest version of GM and am having trouble with copying and pasting features. In previous versions, I would load features and could copy features from the loaded data into the User Created Features layer. Now, when copying and pasting it places the duplicate feature into the layer it was copied from, not into the User Created Features layer. This is a problem for my workflow. Is there some way to control which layer the copied features are pasted into? Thanks for your help.
That was a change made in recent versions so that you don't lose the layer information when you copy and paste. The pasted features should be selected when you paste them, so you can right-click and select to edit them with the Digitizer Tool, then change them to be in the User Created Features layer.
Global Mapper Guru -
I don't know Your workflow, that causes problem to You ref to Copy/Paste behaviour of GM now.
But as for me - C/P works basically in two instances:
- You need to multiply same obiect and place it in another place - like icons, or another similar elements
- You need to substract some classes / features from another set of data and to use it for a new project.
In the second case pls note that one can just open another GM instance and to Copy from the (I) and Paste into (II),
preserving all attributes, scale, projection and so on...
In GM v.13.02 C & P works in the same way as in Graphics software, like Corel for example, and I found it OK.
Edgar -
ow to add font to global mapper?
how to add font to global mapper?
for ex persian font to read my fonts -
Global Mapper should support any Windows font. You can select the default font face and character set to use on the Vector Display tab of the Configuration dialog, so you can switch your default to your Persian font there. You can also control the default font to use for different feature types on the Styles tabs of the Configuration dialog.
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Global Mapper Guru -
help me
how to do this?
yhanks -
Do you need help setting up the font or copying and pasting?
Global Mapper Guru -
The fonts won't be read directly from the DXF file, but if you go to the Vector Display tab of the Configuration dialog and setup the default font face and character set to ones that support Persian text then it should display for you (assuming it isn't Unicode text). You may need a newer version though as v11.01 doesn't have all of the font support that later versions have.
Global Mapper Guru -
Can you go to Vector Display tab of the Configuration dialog and set your default character set to the Arabic one (this should also have Farsi in it) and see if that causes the text to display as you want?
Global Mapper Guru -
Can i send my shape or dxf file to you for processing?
Your program dont read all arabic or persian fonts
please test it -
If you can send a sample file I can take a look. You will also likely need to change your setting for 'Language for Non-Unicode Programs' on the Administrative tab of the Region and Language setting dialog in the Windows Control Panel to use Persian if it's not there already.
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