Global Mapper v26.0

Projection for MP Export

Roger Edrinn
Roger Edrinn Global Mapper UserTrusted User
edited February 2008 in Vector Data

When GM exports to MP (Polish) format, does it automatically convert to WGS84? My dataset is in NAD83 and the MP export dialog has no projection switch. Yet when I either open the MP file in GPSMapEdit or compile in cGPSmapper, both report the projection/datum as WGS84.

I realize NAD83 and WGS84 are virtually identical, but... nice to know.



  • global_mapper
    global_mapper Administrator
    edited January 2008

    Yes, Global Mapper will automatically convert to WGS84 on export to the MP format. The only exception is if you use a template file that has a recognized other datum specified in the header, in which case Global Mapper will convert to that datum instead so that the coordinates are consistent with the datum reported in the header.


    Global Mapper Support
  • Roger Edrinn
    Roger Edrinn Global Mapper User Trusted User
    edited February 2008

    I would think an explicit statement to that effect would be appropriate in the dialog.

  • global_mapper
    global_mapper Administrator
    edited February 2008
    An explicit statement on the dialog might be a bit verbose, but I will add one to the User's Manual.

    In general I don't consider additional explanation necessary in the user interface if Global Mapper is automatically doing the right thing. Most users are not familiar with what projection/datum the MP format requires, nor do they need to be as Global Mapper automatically handles this for them.


    Global Mapper Support