GPX attributes

vxon_kitt Global Mapper UserTrusted User
edited May 2012 in Vector Data
I would like to generate a unique GPX file from several GPX files in which there are several attributes that initially Global Mapper reads perfectly. The problem is when I export the GPX file, most of the attributes are not saved, for instance "Groundspeak:owner".

I wonder if someone could help me. I attach one file as an example. Sorry for my English, and best regards from Spain.

PS: My server didn't allow me upload the file, so I copy-paste part of it.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<gpx xmlns:xsd="; xmlns:xsi="; version="1.0" creator="Groundspeak Pocket Query" xsi:schemaLocation="; xmlns=""&gt;
<name>Copy of Alcarria #4 (actual)</name>
<desc>Geocache file generated by Groundspeak</desc>
<keywords>cache, geocache, groundspeak</keywords>
<bounds minlat="39.712983" minlon="-4.38545" maxlat="41.776267" maxlon="-1.643233" />
<wpt lat="40.65875" lon="-2.80405">
<desc>Deep Alcarria: camino de Romancos a Budia by vxon_kitt, Traditional Cache (1.5/2.5)</desc>
<urlname>Deep Alcarria: camino de Romancos a Budia</urlname>
<type>Geocache|Traditional Cache</type>
<groundspeak:cache id="2838948" available="True" archived="False" xmlns:groundspeak=""&gt;
<groundspeak:name>Deep Alcarria: camino de Romancos a Budia</groundspeak:name>
<groundspeak:owner id="448083">vxon_kitt</groundspeak:owner>
<groundspeak:type>Traditional Cache</groundspeak:type>
<groundspeak:attribute id="33" inc="1">Motorcycles</groundspeak:attribute>
<groundspeak:attribute id="32" inc="1">Bicycles</groundspeak:attribute>
<groundspeak:attribute id="13" inc="1">Available at all times</groundspeak:attribute>
<groundspeak:attribute id="6" inc="1">Recommended for kids</groundspeak:attribute>
<groundspeak:attribute id="37" inc="1">Horses</groundspeak:attribute>
<groundspeak:attribute id="53" inc="1">Park and Grab</groundspeak:attribute>
<groundspeak:attribute id="1" inc="1">Dogs</groundspeak:attribute>
<groundspeak:attribute id="15" inc="1">Available during winter</groundspeak:attribute>
<groundspeak:attribute id="35" inc="1">Off-road vehicles</groundspeak:attribute>
<groundspeak:attribute id="34" inc="1">Quads</groundspeak:attribute>
<groundspeak:state>Castilla-La Mancha</groundspeak:state>
<groundspeak:short_description html="False">
<groundspeak:long_description html="False">Alcarria profunda es una serie cuyo objetivo es fomentar la visita a parajes cuya belleza no suele ser reparada en la medida en que se merecen.

Este caché se encuentra en el término municipal de San Andrés del Rey, en una pequeña dehesa de encinas y quejigos.

Hay varias fotos spoiler, desde distintos puntos de vista. El caché está unos 10 m al NE del camino, y está tapado por piedras grandes, entre varios troncos de quejigo.</groundspeak:long_description>
<groundspeak:log id="223468879">
<groundspeak:type>Publish Listing</groundspeak:type>
<groundspeak:finder id="3980462">Orus</groundspeak:finder>
<groundspeak:text encoded="False">Published</groundspeak:text>
<groundspeak:travelbugs />
<wpt lat="40.6794" lon="-2.8227">
<desc>Deep Alcarria: barranco de Monte Redondo by vxon_kitt, Traditional Cache (1.5/1.5)</desc>
<urlname>Deep Alcarria: barranco de Monte Redondo</urlname>
<type>Geocache|Traditional Cache</type>
<groundspeak:cache id="2815112" available="True" archived="False" xmlns:groundspeak=""&gt;
<groundspeak:name>Deep Alcarria: barranco de Monte Redondo</groundspeak:name>
<groundspeak:owner id="448083">vxon_kitt</groundspeak:owner>
<groundspeak:type>Traditional Cache</groundspeak:type>
<groundspeak:attribute id="33" inc="1">Motorcycles</groundspeak:attribute>
<groundspeak:attribute id="32" inc="1">Bicycles</groundspeak:attribute>
<groundspeak:attribute id="13" inc="1">Available at all times</groundspeak:attribute>
<groundspeak:attribute id="6" inc="1">Recommended for kids</groundspeak:attribute>
<groundspeak:attribute id="7" inc="1">Takes less than an hour</groundspeak:attribute>
<groundspeak:attribute id="37" inc="1">Horses</groundspeak:attribute>
<groundspeak:attribute id="53" inc="1">Park and Grab</groundspeak:attribute>
<groundspeak:attribute id="1" inc="1">Dogs</groundspeak:attribute>
<groundspeak:attribute id="15" inc="1">Available during winter</groundspeak:attribute>
<groundspeak:attribute id="35" inc="1">Off-road vehicles</groundspeak:attribute>
<groundspeak:attribute id="34" inc="1">Quads</groundspeak:attribute>
<groundspeak:state>Castilla-La Mancha</groundspeak:state>
<groundspeak:short_description html="False">
<groundspeak:long_description html="False">Alcarria profunda es una serie cuyo objetivo es fomentar la visita a parajes cuya belleza no suele ser reparada en la medida en que se merecen.

Este caché se encuentra en una zona de cultivos meandriformes, en los dominios del caserío de Monteredondo, a mitad de camino entre este y el caserío de Montefrío, lugar que, al menos desde fuera, deberás visitar si andas por la zona.

El caché está escondido entre un montón de piedras. La foto spoiler te ayudará a mover las indispensables y dejar todo como estaba para el siguiente buscador.</groundspeak:long_description>
<groundspeak:log id="221397484">
<groundspeak:type>Publish Listing</groundspeak:type>
<groundspeak:finder id="3587506">McRover</groundspeak:finder>
<groundspeak:text encoded="False">Published</groundspeak:text>
<groundspeak:travelbugs />
<wpt lat="40.65685" lon="-2.82985">
<desc>Deep Alcarria: chozo y corral de José Martínez by vxon_kitt, Traditional Cache (1.5/2)</desc>
<urlname>Deep Alcarria: chozo y corral de José Martínez</urlname>
<type>Geocache|Traditional Cache</type>
<groundspeak:cache id="2815077" available="True" archived="False" xmlns:groundspeak=""&gt;
<groundspeak:name>Deep Alcarria: chozo y corral de José Martínez</groundspeak:name>
<groundspeak:owner id="448083">vxon_kitt</groundspeak:owner>
<groundspeak:type>Traditional Cache</groundspeak:type>
<groundspeak:attribute id="33" inc="1">Motorcycles</groundspeak:attribute>
<groundspeak:attribute id="32" inc="1">Bicycles</groundspeak:attribute>
<groundspeak:attribute id="13" inc="1">Available at all times</groundspeak:attribute>
<groundspeak:attribute id="54" inc="1">Abandoned Structure</groundspeak:attribute>
<groundspeak:attribute id="37" inc="1">Horses</groundspeak:attribute>
<groundspeak:attribute id="1" inc="1">Dogs</groundspeak:attribute>
<groundspeak:attribute id="15" inc="1">Available during winter</groundspeak:attribute>
<groundspeak:attribute id="35" inc="1">Off-road vehicles</groundspeak:attribute>
<groundspeak:attribute id="34" inc="1">Quads</groundspeak:attribute>
<groundspeak:state>Castilla-La Mancha</groundspeak:state>
<groundspeak:short_description html="False">
<groundspeak:long_description html="False">Alcarria profunda es una serie cuyo objetivo es fomentar la visita a parajes cuya belleza no suele ser reparada en la medida en que se merecen.

Este caché se encuentra en el término municipal de Yélamos de Arriba, muy cerca del antiguo camino que iba de esta localidad a Trillo.

El caché está en el interior del muro NW, a nivel del suelo, a mitad de camino entre la entrada del chozo y la esquina W de las ruinas.</groundspeak:long_description>
<groundspeak:log id="221397062">
<groundspeak:type>Publish Listing</groundspeak:type>
<groundspeak:finder id="3587506">McRover</groundspeak:finder>
<groundspeak:text encoded="False">Published</groundspeak:text>
<groundspeak:travelbugs />
<wpt lat="40.690983" lon="-2.834733">
<desc>Deep Alcarria: ruinas en Puerto del Gato by vxon_kitt, Traditional Cache (1.5/1.5)</desc>
<urlname>Deep Alcarria: ruinas en Puerto del Gato</urlname>
<type>Geocache|Traditional Cache</type>
<groundspeak:cache id="2815154" available="True" archived="False" xmlns:groundspeak=""&gt;
<groundspeak:name>Deep Alcarria: ruinas en Puerto del Gato</groundspeak:name>
<groundspeak:owner id="448083">vxon_kitt</groundspeak:owner>
<groundspeak:type>Traditional Cache</groundspeak:type>
<groundspeak:attribute id="33" inc="1">Motorcycles</groundspeak:attribute>
<groundspeak:attribute id="32" inc="1">Bicycles</groundspeak:attribute>
<groundspeak:attribute id="13" inc="1">Available at all times</groundspeak:attribute>
<groundspeak:attribute id="54" inc="1">Abandoned Structure</groundspeak:attribute>
<groundspeak:attribute id="6" inc="1">Recommended for kids</groundspeak:attribute>
<groundspeak:attribute id="7" inc="1">Takes less than an hour</groundspeak:attribute>
<groundspeak:attribute id="37" inc="1">Horses</groundspeak:attribute>
<groundspeak:attribute id="53" inc="1">Park and Grab</groundspeak:attribute>
<groundspeak:attribute id="1" inc="1">Dogs</groundspeak:attribute>
<groundspeak:attribute id="15" inc="1">Available during winter</groundspeak:attribute>
<groundspeak:attribute id="35" inc="1">Off-road vehicles</groundspeak:attribute>
<groundspeak:attribute id="34" inc="1">Quads</groundspeak:attribute>
<groundspeak:state>Castilla-La Mancha</groundspeak:state>
<groundspeak:short_description html="False">
<groundspeak:long_description html="False">Alcarria profunda es una serie cuyo objetivo es fomentar la visita a parajes cuya belleza no suele ser reparada en la medida en que se merecen.

Este caché está en el término municipal antiguo de Romancos, hoy día es Brihuega, junto al camino de Castilmimbre.

El caché está en el interior del muro NE, a unos 7 m de la esquina N y 12 de la esquina E, a nivel del suelo.</groundspeak:long_description>
<groundspeak:log id="221398320">
<groundspeak:type>Publish Listing</groundspeak:type>
<groundspeak:finder id="3587506">McRover</groundspeak:finder>
<groundspeak:text encoded="False">Published</groundspeak:text>
<groundspeak:travelbugs />
<wpt lat="40.69845" lon="-2.773067">
<desc>Deep Alcarria: Budia -> cañada Real Galiana by vxon_kitt, Traditional Cache (1.5/1.5)</desc>
<urlname>Deep Alcarria: Budia -> cañada Real Galiana</urlname>
<type>Geocache|Traditional Cache</type>
<groundspeak:cache id="2796205" available="True" archived="False" xmlns:groundspeak=""&gt;
<groundspeak:name>Deep Alcarria: Budia -> cañada Real Galiana</groundspeak:name>
<groundspeak:owner id="448083">vxon_kitt</groundspeak:owner>
<groundspeak:type>Traditional Cache</groundspeak:type>
<groundspeak:attribute id="32" inc="1">Bicycles</groundspeak:attribute>
<groundspeak:attribute id="13" inc="1">Available at all times</groundspeak:attribute>
<groundspeak:attribute id="7" inc="1">Takes less than an hour</groundspeak:attribute>
<groundspeak:attribute id="6" inc="1">Recommended for kids</groundspeak:attribute>
<groundspeak:attribute id="37" inc="1">Horses</groundspeak:attribute>
<groundspeak:attribute id="1" inc="1">Dogs</groundspeak:attribute>
<groundspeak:attribute id="15" inc="1">Available during winter</groundspeak:attribute>
<groundspeak:state>Castilla-La Mancha</groundspeak:state>
<groundspeak:short_description html="False">
<groundspeak:long_description html="False">Alcarria profunda es una serie cuyo objetivo es fomentar la visita a parajes cuya belleza no suele ser reparada en la medida en que se merecen.

Este caché está junto a la Cañada Real Galiana, que va de La Rioja a Ciudad Real, dentro del término municipal de Budia y muy cerca del límite con el antiguo municipio de Valdelagua.

El caché está al E de la zona transitada de la cañada y se encuentra bajo unas piedras, a unos 2 m de una encina que comparte su sombra con un enebro. Lleva la foto spoiler para buscar fácilmente sin remover muchas piedras.</groundspeak:long_description>
<groundspeak:log id="218718630">
<groundspeak:type>Publish Listing</groundspeak:type>
<groundspeak:finder id="3587506">McRover</groundspeak:finder>
<groundspeak:text encoded="False">Published</groundspeak:text>
<groundspeak:travelbugs />



  • global_mapper
    global_mapper Administrator
    edited April 2012
    Global Mapper only writes out the standard set of GPX attributes when exporting to GPX format as many applications will fail to load a GPX file with tags they don't recognize. If you write out to another format, like perhaps a Shapefile, then all attributes will come along. If this is a big issue let me know and I can perhaps add an option to the GPX export to save all attributes with a warning that the results might not work in all applications.


    Global Mapper Guru
  • vxon_kitt
    vxon_kitt Global Mapper User Trusted User
    edited April 2012
    Despite Global Mapper reads all attributes in GPX files, when exporting to SHP only some of the attributes are saved. I've tried several export options, but none of them is able to export all the attributes.

    Thanks Mike.
  • global_mapper
    global_mapper Administrator
    edited April 2012
    Which attributes are missing? The Shapefile format does limit attribute names to 10 characters, so since some of your attribute names are longer than that they will have to be mangled to be shortened. Is there a different particular application you are trying to get the data into? If not you could also save to a Global Mapper Package file as it will exactly preserve what GM imported.


    Global Mapper Guru
  • vxon_kitt
    vxon_kitt Global Mapper User Trusted User
    edited April 2012
    For instance, the attribute <groundspeak:owner id="448083"> is not saved (in GPX nor SHP), and all of the attributes starting with "<groundspeak..." are not saved. It looks like these attributes are nested together or something like this.

    I'm trying to import the data with Quantum Gis, to build the Voronoi diagram for these points.

    Thanks again.
  • global_mapper
    global_mapper Administrator
    edited April 2012
    I get all of the attributes when I export, but because of the 10 character limit on Shapefile attribute names they get turned into things like 'groundspe1', 'groundspe2', etc. I did update the GPX importer to know about <groundspeak:attribute> values and parse those special so that "id" field of the attribute is used as part of the name rather than just a generic <groundspeak:attribute> name. I'm assuming that 'id' field is of some meaning. I have placed a new build at with the latest changes for you to try. Simply download that file and extract the contents into your existing v13.xx installation folder to give it a try. If you are using the 64-bit v13 version there is a new build at .


    Global Mapper Guru
  • vxon_kitt
    vxon_kitt Global Mapper User Trusted User
    edited April 2012
    Thank you, now it seems to be working properly!

    Best regards.
  • vxon_kitt
    vxon_kitt Global Mapper User Trusted User
    edited May 2012
    Dear Mike, I wrote you some weeks ago just to ask you a question about GPX attributes and you manage to solve the problem almost instantly.

    Now I would like to ask you another question. If you have a look at the GPX code which is at the beginning of this thread, you'll find that each point has several attributes, but all the points don't share the same attributes.

    When you open the attribute table with Global Mapper "Search -> Search by attributes, name and description", you find a record for each point, and a column for each field. In the case of the points which doesn't have information in some of these fields, they appear in blank.

    My problem arise when I export a SHP file with this points. The SHP file has all the fields for each point, but when a particular field is empty, Global Mapper put in its place the next field which has information.

    So I think that the question should be quite easy to solve. Would it be possible to have a checkbox in the SHP-file export options, just to mark it in case you want to have a SHP file with all the fields, even in the case of these fields are empty (a blank space would be enough if an empty field is not possible)?

    As my English is not very accurate (sorry, I'm from Spain), just to state it clearlier (in the following I've not considered the change of the name of the attributes when exporting, this is not a real problem). Ok, the first point in the example which code I pasted at the beginning of this thread is point GC3EMF3. When you open the attribute table, this point has empty the fields GROUNDSPEAK_33, GROUNDSPEAK_34 and GROUNDSPEAK_35. The next field with information is GROUNDSPEAK_37. Well, when you export the file to SHP format, the information in field GROUNDSPEAK_37 gets to the first empty field, which is GROUNDSPEAK_33, so what I would like is that the fields **_33 to **_35 would be empty in the SHP file, just to calculate same statistics by certain fields.

    Thank you very much, and sorry for the disturbance.

    Best regards.
  • global_mapper
    global_mapper Administrator
    edited May 2012
    I took a look and did find some problems in the logic when truncating attribute names for Shapefiles when the features have different attribute sets and the first 10 characters are identical for many of the attributes. I have it fixed now so each input attribute should always get a unique output attribute rather than merging them in some cases. I have placed a new build at with the latest changes for you to try. Simply download that file and extract the contents into your existing v13.xx installation folder to give it a try. If you are using the 64-bit v13 version there is a new build at .

    I would however recommend using a format other than Shapefile if possible since it limits attribute names to 10 characters. Other formats don't have such limits, like maybe a CSV file, so you can keep the original attribute names.

    Let me know if I can be of further assistance.


    Global Mapper Guru
  • vxon_kitt
    vxon_kitt Global Mapper User Trusted User
    edited May 2012
    Dear Mike, thank you for answering immediately. I've download the new builds and I think they're not updated, because both of them are exactly of the same size than the previous builds from April, the 11th, and still happens the same with the GPX files. When installing the one I've tried (32-bit), the build information in Global Mapper is April, the 11th. Could it have checked just for discovering if I'm doing anything wrong at downloading the *.zip files with the builds.

    Thanks again, best regards.
  • vxon_kitt
    vxon_kitt Global Mapper User Trusted User
    edited May 2012
    Mike, forget what I told you before. It was a problem of my internet browser. I've downloaded the files in another computer, and it works properly now.

    Thank you very much again and sorry for the inconvenience.

    Best regards from Spain.