Export in decimal degree
Global Mapper User
Hi everybody,
I would like to export an elevation file in decimal degrees. How can I do this?
I would like to export an elevation file in decimal degrees. How can I do this?
Just set your projection to Geographic/Arc Degrees on the Projection tab of the Configuration prior to export and you should get decimal degrees for the units when you export.
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Global Mapper Support
support@globalmapper.com -
This is a good question - following the instructions above still gives degrees / minutes / decimal seconds with the batch reproject function. The Convert tool also displays the same thing, unless you close and re-open it - then it gives decimal degrees as well.
If there is a way to get to decimal degrees in the Reproject tool, that would be great! -
Please provide more details about your workflow with the batch reproject function. What format are you converting from? What format are you converting to? What setting do you have for Position Display Format on the General | Measure/Units tab of the Configuration dialog?
Bob -
Thanks for the response, Sir. It's a great help.
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