Elevation Grid Issue
Global Mapper UserTrusted User
Hello Mike,
In the last builds of V.12 , when using "Create Elevation Grid From 3D Vector Data" + "Export Grids Directly to Global Mapper Grid Files Rather Than... " + "Gridding" + " Use Selected Area Features for Grid Cell" + "YES-Crop to the exact area boundary" the resulted surfaces are crroped to the rectangular bounding box .
The same is in V13 Beta 1.
If after I am crroping the gmg to a new gmg using the same shapes all it s ok, but I remember that before was not needed to do this extra step.
In the last builds of V.12 , when using "Create Elevation Grid From 3D Vector Data" + "Export Grids Directly to Global Mapper Grid Files Rather Than... " + "Gridding" + " Use Selected Area Features for Grid Cell" + "YES-Crop to the exact area boundary" the resulted surfaces are crroped to the rectangular bounding box .
The same is in V13 Beta 1.
If after I am crroping the gmg to a new gmg using the same shapes all it s ok, but I remember that before was not needed to do this extra step.
I have a likely fix for this. I have placed a new build at http://www.globalmapper.com/global_mapper12.zip with the change for you to try. Simply download that file and extract the contents into your existing v12.xx installation folder to give it a try. If you are using the 64-bit v12 version there is a new build at http://www.globalmapper.com/global_mapper12_64bit.zip .
Let me know if all is ok and I'll add the change to v13 too.
Global Mapper Support
support@globalmapper.com -
It`s ok for the 32x version , testing in the same AOI(21 tiles 1x1 km grid connected to 12 irregular shapes "tiles" triangulating polygons,polylines and points in the same time) that I run the test before posting in bug report forum, so I guess that all it`s fine.
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