Add TIFF overview option
Global Mapper UserTrusted User
It would be very helpful to include an Overviews (i.e mip-maps) option when Exporting GeoTIFFs and/or doing a batch convert of GeoTIFFs.
If it is already a function, I apologize for not finding it. I am using GM11.02 right now.
I frequently feed my TIFF files into VPB (osgdem) and having overviews would speed those steps and not consume all my memory. For reference, the overviews would be akin to the gdaladdo command in GDAL if you are familiar with that.
I have seen other posts that make reference to the need for overviews ("huge file performance / pyramids"), but I couldn't figure if it is in your list of features to be added to GM or not.
If it is already a function, I apologize for not finding it. I am using GM11.02 right now.
I frequently feed my TIFF files into VPB (osgdem) and having overviews would speed those steps and not consume all my memory. For reference, the overviews would be akin to the gdaladdo command in GDAL if you are familiar with that.
I have seen other posts that make reference to the need for overviews ("huge file performance / pyramids"), but I couldn't figure if it is in your list of features to be added to GM or not.
That is on our todo list. You can currently already get overview layers when exporting to Erdas Imagine .img files and they are automatically generated for ECW and JPEG2000 exports.
Global Mapper Support -
Understood. TIFF is definitely our preferred format for the amount of other different tools we feed our imagery into. Like to have 1 image, many purposes. So I will be excited to see that added in.
PS - Is the TODO list viewable? Or is that an internal thing for you? -
The todo list is an internal thing, with much of it living on my whiteboard, so not something that we can easily provide.
Global Mapper Support -
Is it something you would ballpark an ETA? Whether I'd be waiting for version 12.x? 13.x? 19.x?
--dmr -
There won't be any more v12.x releases, the first v13 beta is hopefully going to be out this week. I would guess v13.x would be a good guess.
Global Mapper Support -
Digging up an old thread. As of v21 I still don't believe there is an option to create overviews when exporting a geotiff. This is something I'd like to see added.
The ability to save an overview image in a GeoTIFF export has been added to Global Mapper 22.1, which is currently in beta. The functionality is enabled by "Write GeoTIFF Overviews (Pyramid)" checkbox in the GeoTIFF Export Options dialog.
Better late than never, I guess.
Edit: Correct export option name. -
Thanks Bob that's great to hear.
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