Global Mapper UserTrusted User
I'm sorry to be such a bore, Mike, but I seem to have the following problems with 12.02 build b060911
1) Viewshed transmitter & receiver heights designated as being in feet are incorrectly applied as metres.
2) Loading GPX files - these are not visible until yje line type is changed
3) any word on the on the contours to height grid problem?
1) Viewshed transmitter & receiver heights designated as being in feet are incorrectly applied as metres.
2) Loading GPX files - these are not visible until yje line type is changed
3) any word on the on the contours to height grid problem?
Can you try the latest build to see if the view shed problem persists? I have placed a new build at with the latest changes for you to try. Simply download that file and extract the contents into your existing v12.xx installation folder to give it a try. If you are using the 64-bit v12 version there is a new build at .
For the GPX issue, make sure that you haven't disabled track lines in the line filter settings on the Vector Display tab of the Configuration dialog.
There hasn't been any additional work done on converting contours to grid, it's not really a very high priority.
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