Create parallel lines tool
Global Mapper UserTrusted User
Hi Mike,
Would it be possible to add a function similar with “create buffer areas” but instead to create buffers, to create parallel lines in each side of a line?
And also with a multiplication factor like the buffer tool has?
And if so, would it be possible for the new created lines to keep the elevation from original line if exist?
Thank you,
Would it be possible to add a function similar with “create buffer areas” but instead to create buffers, to create parallel lines in each side of a line?
And also with a multiplication factor like the buffer tool has?
And if so, would it be possible for the new created lines to keep the elevation from original line if exist?
Thank you,
You can kind of do that now, just select the line, press Ctrl+C to copy to the clipboard, then Ctrl+V to paste a new copy. It will then be selected and you can right-click and select to Shift/Offset the line, then easily move it the desired distance in whatever direction that you need. All attributes including elevations should be maintained.
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Global Mapper Support -
Thank you Mike for your (allways ) quick replay!
Your sugestion is ok, and it s this what I am doing for the moment (in GM)_("select the line, press Ctrl+C to copy to the clipboard, then Ctrl+V to paste a new copy. It will then be selected and you can right-click and select to Shift/Offset the line, then easily move it the desired distance in whatever direction that you need").
But I am an advanced user of GM and I know all of this (by working with..)
I am interested in to proove that we are able to do in GM a pertinent river flood risck analyse (for ex./not sea level) in an inovative and consistent way .
What I am interest in is not if is possible or not for the moment to do what you advice me , but if it would be possible what I asked for in the future.
.Thank you & Regards -
We are hoping to add additional hydrological analysis functionality in a future release, although some of those operations are rather complex so it might be a while before we get to them.
Global Mapper Support -
I just stumbled on this while looking for the same thing. I currently have GM 24 currently working on buffering a long contour line which is taking a surprisingly long time. An easier way for someone who has access to cad (either Autocad or one of the many knock-offs) is to do it in that software and then import the results back to GM. The offset command in Autocad gives near instantaneous results.
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