Need to reopen GoogleOzi jpeg files everytime I reopen Global mapper
Global Mapper UserTrusted User
I have started using GoogleOzi recently to get satellite images into global mapper. When I export an image from GoogleOzi, it saves 5 files per image: *.jpg, *.jgw, *.map, *.prj, *.mcx
I can open the jpg file fine in Global mapper and it is always correctly positioned.
However, when I close Global mapper and then reopen it, these images are gone, and I need to reload them (no just check-uncheck from overlay control center). Is there a way to prevent this from happening?
I have started using GoogleOzi recently to get satellite images into global mapper. When I export an image from GoogleOzi, it saves 5 files per image: *.jpg, *.jgw, *.map, *.prj, *.mcx
I can open the jpg file fine in Global mapper and it is always correctly positioned.
However, when I close Global mapper and then reopen it, these images are gone, and I need to reload them (no just check-uncheck from overlay control center). Is there a way to prevent this from happening?
You just need to save a workspace file (File->Save Workspace), then reload that to restore your set of loaded files and options.
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Global Mapper Support -
Thank you for your quick answer, Mike, but that doesn´t work. All my other maps etc open when I reopen the workspace but not the google ozi pictures. I can see that GM loads them when I open the workspace, they are listed and checked in "overlay control center" but I can´t see them. If I reload them manually one by one it works.
Any idea why? -
That is strange, what version of Global Mapper are you using? Can you perhaps provide one of the Google Ozi JPG files and accompanying files and a workspace referencing that where the JPG file doesn't show up?
Global Mapper Support -
This is on an older version of Global Mapper (8.03). I have Global Mapper 11 on my own laptop, maybe I should try with that version.
I tried to attach the 4 files but the *.jgw and *.map files were listed as invalid in the upload manager window
center.jpgcenter.prj -
Can you first try in v11 on your laptop? I'm guessing the issue is something in v8 that has long since been fixed.
Global Mapper Support -
Ok, you can now attach .jpw and .map files to forum posts.
Paul -
Yes, this seems to work on my laptop with Global Mapper v11
I will need to update Global mapper on my desktop too then ...
Thank you! -
what version should i install on my netbook? can it run on a n455 processors? -thanks
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