Feature Attribs and Value pairs
Global Mapper UserTrusted User
Hi Mike,
I am currently experiencing a problem with some vector data and associated Feature Attribute/Value pairs.
I imported a vector Shapefile and set up line styling based on attributes and values within the Shapefile's description. I noticed that I needed additional information so proceeded to add a custom Attribute and set up the values as necessary. Then I styled the line based on this additional field.
I then thought it a good idea to export a new version of this Shapefile under a different name, which I would then use for subsequent projects. I also saved my workspace and exited Global Mapper.
Upon reloading the updated Shapefile and/or Workspace I noticed that the custom formatting I'd set up had been lost. Closer examination of the Shapefile attribute/value pairs showed that the additional Attribute field was present but the values had all been zeroed; hence the custom formatting based on those values had been lost.
Many thanks for your time.
EDIT: I'm using Global Mapper v11.02 (64-bit) on Windows 7 Ultimate (64-bit).
I am currently experiencing a problem with some vector data and associated Feature Attribute/Value pairs.
I imported a vector Shapefile and set up line styling based on attributes and values within the Shapefile's description. I noticed that I needed additional information so proceeded to add a custom Attribute and set up the values as necessary. Then I styled the line based on this additional field.
I then thought it a good idea to export a new version of this Shapefile under a different name, which I would then use for subsequent projects. I also saved my workspace and exited Global Mapper.
Upon reloading the updated Shapefile and/or Workspace I noticed that the custom formatting I'd set up had been lost. Closer examination of the Shapefile attribute/value pairs showed that the additional Attribute field was present but the values had all been zeroed; hence the custom formatting based on those values had been lost.
Many thanks for your time.
EDIT: I'm using Global Mapper v11.02 (64-bit) on Windows 7 Ultimate (64-bit).
Where did you add the custom attribute to the features? Also, the Shapefile format doesn't support built-in styling information, so although your attribute values should be saved, you would have to re-setup your styling information for a new Shapefile since that format itself can't keep that information.
Unless you absolutely need to have a Shapefile, I would suggest instead exporting out to a format that supports styling, like the Global Mapper Package format, so that you don't have to setup that again when you reload the newly exported data.
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Global Mapper Support
support@globalmapper.com -
Hi Mike,
Many thanks for your reply. I have to hold my hands up and confess that I cannot repeat the problem I described in my initial post. I may have well made an error elsewhere in the pipeline and for that I can only apologise for wasting your time!
I am having to use Shapefiles to maintain compatibility with another system (and my thinking is that I very likely caused the problem through manipulating the Shapefile in the other package).
If I do experience the problem again I will let you know; but all appears to be perfectly well as of this moment.
Many thanks,
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