Unknown error while rendering overlays

Global Mapper UserTrusted User
Hello Mike,
Since upgrading to Ver.11 I regularly receive the following error when dealing with larger sets of Ortho Imagery.
Unknown error while rendering overlays, you should probably save and quit.
Read access violation at data address 0x0000000F,
program address 0x0000000F.
Version: v11.02
Build Time: Apr 23 2010 14:31:49
This error has only started appearing since Ver. 11 upgrade.
Its not computer dependent, I also get the same error on another computer.
It's not a critical issue with me, I just wanted to pass on the info.
Since upgrading to Ver.11 I regularly receive the following error when dealing with larger sets of Ortho Imagery.
Unknown error while rendering overlays, you should probably save and quit.
Read access violation at data address 0x0000000F,
program address 0x0000000F.
Version: v11.02
Build Time: Apr 23 2010 14:31:49
This error has only started appearing since Ver. 11 upgrade.
Its not computer dependent, I also get the same error on another computer.
It's not a critical issue with me, I just wanted to pass on the info.
I think you are seeing a bug that has since been fixed. Can you try downloading and installing the latest v11.02 installer from the Download Trial link at http://www.globalmapper.com and see if that fixes the issue?
Global Mapper Support
support@globalmapper.com -
Will Do.
Thanks Mike.
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