kml export not quite right
Global Mapper User
Using Global Mapper v 11.01
Build Time Nov 24 2009 07:01:34
When exporting KMLs with "Save LOS to KML file" from the "Path Profile/Line of Sight" tool, the 'Sight Line' isn't quite right. The best way to see this issue is to export a rather long path with F1. (see attached) You will see that the F1 line starts out below the 'Sight Line' but then in the middle, goes above it. I believe that this is an issue with the way that Google Earth is handling this . . .
<name>Sight Line</name>
I have seen this issue in lines that I have created in KMLs. When you stretch the line above a certain distance, the line seems to droop. It might not be correctly accounting for earth curvature?
Since you are specifying each point for the F1 line like this . . .
Google Earth is placing each point in the exactly correct location. I believe that if you specify each 'Sight Line' point using a similar method, all will look well.
Build Time Nov 24 2009 07:01:34
When exporting KMLs with "Save LOS to KML file" from the "Path Profile/Line of Sight" tool, the 'Sight Line' isn't quite right. The best way to see this issue is to export a rather long path with F1. (see attached) You will see that the F1 line starts out below the 'Sight Line' but then in the middle, goes above it. I believe that this is an issue with the way that Google Earth is handling this . . .
<name>Sight Line</name>
I have seen this issue in lines that I have created in KMLs. When you stretch the line above a certain distance, the line seems to droop. It might not be correctly accounting for earth curvature?
Since you are specifying each point for the F1 line like this . . .
Google Earth is placing each point in the exactly correct location. I believe that if you specify each 'Sight Line' point using a similar method, all will look well.
I have updated the KML save from the path profile dialog to store more points along the line of sight so that Google Earth will display it properly. I have placed a new build at with the change for you to try. Simply download that file and extract the contents into your existing v11.xx installation folder to give it a try. If you are using the 64-bit v11 version there is a new build at .
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
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