GNIS file copy/paste feature - other anoyances
Capt Pete
Global Mapper User
I am having a small annoyance with selecting-copy-paste vector data from GNIS files. Using the Digitizer Tool, if there is more than one set of data at a point (different Name_Type - could be up to 6 data sets for one point) I have no way of selecting which set of data I want to copy/paste. Using the Feature Info Tool I can right-click through the data sets and select "Copy to Clipboard" but I cannot seem to paste the data - it always says no data available in clipboard.
My work-around has been to paste the data to a text editor file and import later as a Simple Text File. Any other improvement on this method?
The second annoyance is that when I Add Attributes using GM's Generic ASCII Format Field Descriptions, such as FONT_NAME, FONT_HEIGHT_METERS, etc. I can not see them change the appearance of the text of the point unless I Export and re-Import the file - I would like to see the changes as I edit the Feature Info. I do not want to change the Default Type appearance - just the appearance of individual points "live" so to speak - w/o changing each data points Type.
The third annoyance is probably not GM's province - when exporting the above to Shapefiles, using GM's Generic ASCII Format Field Descriptions, such as FONT_NAME, FONT_HEIGHT_METERS, etc., the Field name is truncated so that the Field Names are now meaningless. I assume that's a Shapefile limitation but I'm not too familiar with the format.
What I'm trying to do, is using Soviet Military Maps, to create an overlay for Ozi Explorer or GM that has the Romanized Names for the (Major) Russian Features like populated places, islands, airports, capes, etc., using VMAP Level 0/1, GNIS, and possibly DNC/ENC data. Ozi can use ESRI Shape Files for data import to points. This is for my own use and possibly to be released as Open Source to the Community.
I've found that the Soviet Military Maps georeference files I've downloaded from Mapstore are sometimes incorrect, either in the "sign" (E instead of W on GCP's) or the Central Meridian of the GK zones and always wrong on the "Easting" so I've been correcting them and am now tackling the Russian using the US Army's TM 30-548.
Since I'm retired, and have time on my hands, it's an interesting hobby, and at least, I'm learning a bit of Russian [Grin].
My work-around has been to paste the data to a text editor file and import later as a Simple Text File. Any other improvement on this method?
The second annoyance is that when I Add Attributes using GM's Generic ASCII Format Field Descriptions, such as FONT_NAME, FONT_HEIGHT_METERS, etc. I can not see them change the appearance of the text of the point unless I Export and re-Import the file - I would like to see the changes as I edit the Feature Info. I do not want to change the Default Type appearance - just the appearance of individual points "live" so to speak - w/o changing each data points Type.
The third annoyance is probably not GM's province - when exporting the above to Shapefiles, using GM's Generic ASCII Format Field Descriptions, such as FONT_NAME, FONT_HEIGHT_METERS, etc., the Field name is truncated so that the Field Names are now meaningless. I assume that's a Shapefile limitation but I'm not too familiar with the format.
What I'm trying to do, is using Soviet Military Maps, to create an overlay for Ozi Explorer or GM that has the Romanized Names for the (Major) Russian Features like populated places, islands, airports, capes, etc., using VMAP Level 0/1, GNIS, and possibly DNC/ENC data. Ozi can use ESRI Shape Files for data import to points. This is for my own use and possibly to be released as Open Source to the Community.
I've found that the Soviet Military Maps georeference files I've downloaded from Mapstore are sometimes incorrect, either in the "sign" (E instead of W on GCP's) or the Central Meridian of the GK zones and always wrong on the "Easting" so I've been correcting them and am now tackling the Russian using the US Army's TM 30-548.
Since I'm retired, and have time on my hands, it's an interesting hobby, and at least, I'm learning a bit of Russian [Grin].
The 'Copy to Clipboard' button on the Feature Info dialog was originally meant to just copy the text information displayed on the Feature Info dialog to the Windows clipboard as text for pasting into a text application, like Notepad. I have updated the behavior to now also copy the selected feature to the Global Mapper clipboard for pasting as an actual feature in Global Mapper. I have placed a new build at with the change for you to try. Simply download that file and extract the contents into your existing v9.xx installation folder to give it a try.
The special recognized text attribute names for controlling style information are only read at start-up. Once you have your data loaded into Global Mapper I would suggest just editing the style with the built-in style controls when editing the feature. This will be much more straight-forward than trying to manually set of text values to control the style. When you then export to an ASCII file the style attributes should automatically be written out with the correct values.
The Shapefile format uses a DBF file to save its attribution, and the DBF format is unfortunately limited to 10 character attribute names, hence the truncation that you are seeing.
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Global Mapper Support -
Thanks Mike,
I figured that was the case (Shapefiles). The Clipboard thing is a great labor-saving change - Thanks.
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