Bug when opening 4 channel RGBI-image
Global Mapper UserTrusted User
There seems to be a bug when opening certain 4 channel RGBI-images. Not sure if it is the way the TIF is created with another program or a bug in GlobalMapper to read this kind of file. I have uploaded a screenshot of the image and one of the images to your ftp (30 minutes left)
It seems that the color BLACK is replaced with YELLOW, or actually all BLACK colors are made transparent by default it seems. However it does not change when I try to change in the settings. The image is displayed nicely in other software.
Any help?
It seems that the color BLACK is replaced with YELLOW, or actually all BLACK colors are made transparent by default it seems. However it does not change when I try to change in the settings. The image is displayed nicely in other software.
Any help?
The 4th channel in the file is explicitly marked as an alpha channel, so Global Mapper is using that to decide what to make transparent. If that is an RGBI image then whatever software created the file improperly marked the 4th channel that way.
In any case, if you go to the Band Setup tab of the Options dialog for the layer you can turn off using the alpha channel, which gets you the raw image that you want.
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
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