export 3D data in shapefile
Global Mapper User
There is a meters to feet conversion going on. In v11.02 when you export a 3D Shapefile the elevation units of the vertices will come from the elevation units setting on the Vertical Options tab of the Configuration dialog. I'm guessing you have that set to 'Statute (Feet)' and your source Shapefile is coming in with elevation units of meters, so the conversion is being done on export.
To fix this, either choose the correct elevation units for the Shapefile elevations on the Projection tab of the Options dialog for the Shapefile layer, or else change your elevation units setting on the Vertical Options tab of the Configuration dialog match your source file units.
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Global Mapper Support
support@globalmapper.com -
thank you,
In fact,Native Overlay Units was selected on the Vertical Options tab of the Configuration dialog. -
Can you provide the data that you are using so that I can take a look?
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