Bad behavior loading imagery
Global Mapper UserTrusted User
We have witnessed different behavior in how GlobalMapper 11 loads (imagery) files. I have a directory of 862 images. IF I load them all at once via the File > Open Data File(s)... option GM just sits there. It ignores me and doesn't load any of them (ok maybe the first/last file).
If I select all at once via Window's Explorer and drag and drop them into GM, they load up just great!
I can make this behavior happen repeatedly. Others on my team say the same thing and that they ALWAYS drag and drop from Explorer. I've only noticed this since GM11.02. Not sure if it is pre-existing.
We have witnessed different behavior in how GlobalMapper 11 loads (imagery) files. I have a directory of 862 images. IF I load them all at once via the File > Open Data File(s)... option GM just sits there. It ignores me and doesn't load any of them (ok maybe the first/last file).
If I select all at once via Window's Explorer and drag and drop them into GM, they load up just great!
I can make this behavior happen repeatedly. Others on my team say the same thing and that they ALWAYS drag and drop from Explorer. I've only noticed this since GM11.02. Not sure if it is pre-existing.
You are likely seeing the Windows limit on how many filenames you can select at once (based on filename length, not count of files). When you go over that you get undefined behavior, either some files load but not all, or sometimes none of them come in.
What you should do instead for loading a large number of files at once is either use the File->Open All Files in Directory Tree menu command, or add the files to a map catalog using the File->Create New Map Catalog menu command.
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
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