Combining lines results in deletion
Geotechnical EngineerTrusted User
I'm doing some mark-up of airphotos in GM11 (32bit). Many of the lines are drawn in pieces and then I use the Combined Selected Line Features option to make a single line. It seems that in one of the recent builds, can't pinpoint the build exactly as it's been a while since I used this feature, that combining lines doesn't work - the lines just get deleted. I've tried with custom line types, trace lines and vertex lines, with and without adjacent endpoints overlapping and I get the same result each time. The lines get deleted. Reversing vertices order doesn't help.
Out of curiousity, I loaded another instance of GM (tried 32 and 64bit), only loaded my airphoto, and tried again. The lines connect properly. So, the problem is with the particular workspace. Thoughts?
Out of curiousity, I loaded another instance of GM (tried 32 and 64bit), only loaded my airphoto, and tried again. The lines connect properly. So, the problem is with the particular workspace. Thoughts?
An additional note - i exported the airphoto and the mark-up I had completed so far to a separate workspace, loaded that in a new instance of GM, and the combine line feature works fine.
Can you provide the workspace file that you are using that exhibits the problem? Also, can you try getting the latest build to see if that helps? I have placed a new build at with the latest changes for you to try. Simply download that file and extract the contents into your existing v11.xx installation folder to give it a try. If you are using the 64-bit version, there is a new build available at .
Global Mapper Support -
Not sure what the change was but it seems to work just fine now. I have attached the workspace file prior to doing the build update.
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