Global Mapper v26.0


RGEarley Global Mapper UserTrusted User
edited April 2010 in Bug Report
We often have SEG-P1 files that are according to the 1983 standard rather than the 1990 standard, with lat and long given in DDMMSSSS with and implied decimal point in the seconds. I was thinking I had opened one successfully with the SEG-P190/UKOOA format into Global Mapper, but I get an error:

Unable to open file \\Borg\maps\projects\Chesapeake-TX2D_1500mi\74-202-711-SEGP1 - Licensed.p190
Unable to load any data from SEGP1/UKOOA file.
SEGP1Overlay.cpp - 929
Version: v11.02
Build Time: Mar 2 2010 10:41:00

I was able to get it imported by putting a decimal point before the last 2 digits of the seconds field.
Is there any way to get more information about what is wrong with the file? Or a way to configure the SEGP1/UKOOA import?
I believe the input is according to the SEG P1 1983 standard which is slightly different than the P190 format. Here is what it looks like:
74-202-711 667 31444546N094014234W 3958915 811760 0 0 0 0 0 0...
74-202-711 670 31445140N094014250W 3958867 812359 0 0 0 0 0 0...
74-202-711 672 31445716N094014333W 3958763 812936 0 0 0 0 0 0...

(NB the "..." is actually the end of each line in this file, i.e. the lines end with 3 periods.)


  • global_mapper
    global_mapper Administrator
    edited April 2010
    I think the problem is that your file extension is .p190. This triggers Global Mapper to treat the file as conforming to the P-190 standard rather than trying to determine which flavor of SEGP1 the file is in. If you rename it to something else, like .seg or .sp1, then it should come in fine (at least it did for me).

    Let me know if I can be of further assistance.


    Global Mapper Support