GM_GetPointFeature problem

dcoggin Global Mapper UserTrusted User
edited March 2010 in SDK

I'm having a problem with the GM_GetPointFeature and GetPointFeatureEx functions. They are returning a NULL pointer even though the layer info shows a point feature in the layer. I believe it was working properly on the March 3rd build but it is not working for me on the March 26th build. Sorry, but it might have something to do with the Get_____FeatureEx functions you added at my request. Thanks for taking a look at it.



  • global_mapper
    global_mapper Administrator
    edited March 2010

    Is your SDK license file being picked up? If your SDK isn't registered then the GM_Get____Feature(Ex) functions will return NULL for all but the first 5 or so features in a layer.


    Global Mapper Support
  • dcoggin
    dcoggin Global Mapper User Trusted User
    edited March 2010

    That's what I thought it was at first, but Is_Registered returns true and it happens when there is only one point feature loaded. I've tried it on two computers and switching back to the older build fixed it in both cases. I looked at it again and it works on the 3/21 build (I mistakenly said 3/3 in my original post) but not the newer one where the Get____FeatureEx functions were added.

  • global_mapper
    global_mapper Administrator
    edited March 2010

    I took a look and found the issue and fixed it. I have placed a new SDK build at for you to try.

    Let me know if I can be of further assistance.


    Global Mapper Support
  • Yann DUPUY
    Yann DUPUY Global Mapper User Trusted User
    Hi, I am digging an old thread but I actually have the exact same problem with 16.something version.
    Right after adding a new point feature to my layer with GM_AddPointToVectorLayer, GM_GetPointFeature(layer, 0) return NULL.
    The "same" process works when creating an areal for instance (GM_AddAreaToVectorLayer, then GM_GetAreaFeature(layer, 0) which return a valid handler).

    AFAIK it was working "some" days ago and I don't remember having modified anything...  what is going, or what am I doing wrong ???


  • Yann DUPUY
    Yann DUPUY Global Mapper User Trusted User
    Forget it...
    It is in fact working on other data. I'll dig deeper into my "broken" data and come back here if I find a real problem (or a solution).
    Sorry for disturbing,