MP files (polish file format)
Global Mapper UserTrusted User
I recently discovered that GM can read MP files and GPS Trackmaker files. I have been working on some fishing maps and I have been having some issues with zoom level and duplicate line work. Is there anything I can do with either global mapper or the MP file that will only bring one polyline per road?
Also is there a way to bring in a custom list of features into Global Mapper?
Presently I am defining one feature at a time, but it would be nice if i could load in an ascii text file. Thanks in advance.
Also is there a way to bring in a custom list of features into Global Mapper?
Presently I am defining one feature at a time, but it would be nice if i could load in an ascii text file. Thanks in advance.
It sounds like your MP files have some roads with separate geometries at different map levels, but rather than specifying the different geometries all in one feature, each level has its geometry defined as a completely separate feature, making the data appear duplicated in Global Mapper. There is not much that can be done about this in GM as all of those features are in the MP file and discarding them would lose information that someone obviously took a lot of time to add.
You can easily load data from a simple ASCII text file using the File->Open Generic ASCII Text File menu command. If you press the Help button on that dialog you should get a good description of the supported formats.
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Global Mapper Support -
Hi mike.
I guess what I was asking is there a way to batch load custom feature types?
Should I save something in ascii format to see how GM stores the feature data?
Thanks in advance
Al -
Are you wanting to add multiple types or multiple features at a time? For multiple types, I would suggest adding a custom type, then closing Global Mapper and looking at the custom_area_types.txt, custom_line_types.txt, and/or custom_point_types.txt file in the Global Mapper folder to see the format that you can use to bulk add types.
If you want to add multiple features, I would just export a simple ASCII text file from Global Mapper to see the format.
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
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