Bug when load my exported .GMP .
Global Mapper User
I Wrote MFC app that use the sdk.
When I was add point to layer and export by GM_EXPORTFLAGS_KEEPSALLSTYLE ,export complete successfully but when load it the point's label don't appear or apear in too large size.
When I was add point to layer and export by GM_EXPORTFLAGS_KEEPSALLSTYLE ,export complete successfully but when load it the point's label don't appear or apear in too large size.
What format are you exporting your data to? Not all formats support storing font/style information, so for some exports it will be lost. Really the Global Mapper Package format is the one that supports all style information.
Global Mapper Support
support@globalmapper.com -
I use GM_ExportPackage to save my all layers to a .gmp file.
By global mapper application it work right in exporting by GM app and loading in SDK but when i use SDK and this function,Global mapper app appear label as too large size.
Tanks. -
Can I see what your call to GM_ExportPackage looks like? Also, what version of the SDK are you using?
Global Mapper Support
support@globalmapper.com -
I use version 1.32 build date is 2009-11-11.
this is my method...
bool CGISControl::SavePackage( LPCTSTR path )
const char* pt = T2A(path);
return GM_ExportPackage(pt,NULL,0,NULL,0.0,GM_ExportPackage_LatLongWGS84|GM_ExportPackage_KeepAllStyles );
Tanks... -
Can you first try getting the SDK v1.33 release from the Developers page at http://www.globalmapper.com to see if that fixes your issue? If not, can you provide me with the GMP file that was created with the SDK and one created with Global Mapper that is correct so that I can see what is different?
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