Feature Style Errors
Roger Edrinn
Global Mapper UserTrusted User
On .01% of my line features the Feature Style is set as Specify Style to Use... even though I've never checked that Style. But it gets worse, if I correct it and set Feature Style to Use Default Style... then save the Workspace, Unload All, ReLoad the Feature Style is reset to Specify Style to Use... ???
This behavior is exhibited on three different line Styles, so far.
My only concern is how GM will export MP text code for these features inasmuch as the latest compilers do not like unknown anything and will stop.
The source is from shapefiles identical to the one I upload a few days ago. My current workspace is at 90MB so I'd be reluctant to upload it and the called shapefiles are many times larger. Suggest something.
This behavior is exhibited on three different line Styles, so far.
My only concern is how GM will export MP text code for these features inasmuch as the latest compilers do not like unknown anything and will stop.
The source is from shapefiles identical to the one I upload a few days ago. My current workspace is at 90MB so I'd be reluctant to upload it and the called shapefiles are many times larger. Suggest something.
Actually your style setting shouldn't make any difference for an MP export as your drawing style doesn't affect an MP export. It is only the feature classification/type or MP_TYPE value that matters for MP export (at least for typing purposes).
If you can reproduce this issue on a smaller sample though I'd be interested in seeing what is happening.
Global Mapper Support
support@globalmapper.com -
Good to know the MP export is unaffected.
Tried to export an example as a package file. Opened it, corrected the error, save as a gmw, unload, opened the gmw and the error was gone. Suggestion? -
I'm thinking that the error is related to the change being done to Shapefiles. There is likely somewhere where the Shapefiles are being imported that style attributes are being detected and used on import, which is causing the style to be marked as custom. The package format is Global Mapper specific and doesn't have to rely on generic attributes for things like style and type, so it doesn't have as many problems maintaining your settings.
Global Mapper Support
support@globalmapper.com -
Ah yes, but the more fundamental question is WHY didn't the changes applied to the object stick, when saved as a Workspace?
Just because you like these entertaining puzzles, I've attached the Package file, maybe theirs something to see . . . maybe.
Look for Dry Rock Creek in the center, note to the left is a shorter leg of Dry Rock Creek, maybe theirs something different.
So why isn't a gmp a valid attachment file type?
Put it on my website: Hydro Line Bug.gmp -
I'm not sure why the style change wasn't maintained. Did the actual drawn style on the screen stay the same, but just the option of whether that was the default draw style for the type or a custom style is what didn't show what you expected? It's hard to see what is happening without a sample where I can reproduce the issue.
Global Mapper Support
support@globalmapper.com -
global_mapper wrote: »I'm not sure why the style change wasn't maintained. Did the actual drawn style on the screen stay the same, but just the option of whether that was the default draw style for the type or a custom style is what didn't show what you expected?It's hard to see what is happening without a sample where I can reproduce the issue.
Stripped all but one subbasin, saved as, corrected the Style, saved the workspace, unload all, opened the workspace and the saved correction was gone.
I've attached the workspace and zipped source shapefile.
Put zip file on my website, couldn't get the D/L manager to eat it: NHD14070006.zip
Same Dry Rock Creek, Have fun.
Side Question: Why do workspaces sometimes want you to save them when you've just opened and then close? Happens with this workspace. -
Is one of your features coming in with a different style when you just load from the .zip file? All come in as the default style for the type for me.
Global Mapper Support
support@globalmapper.com -
Could you not see and reproduce the style error using the attached workspace? I was able to reproduce the error as I described.
If I simply loaded the single supplied shapefile then applied the styles I could not reproduce the style error. But that's not how I arrived at the problem. I started with ~100 shapefiles (an entire state) and applied styles to all the same features in mass. So this is an issue of a very large data set.
The provided workspace will NOT retain its corrected style settings, simply follow my steps.All come in as the default style for the type for me. -
I've fixed the issue with the workspace being marked as dirty immediately upon load (it was caused whenever you used attribute-based naming for a layer). I have placed a new build at http://www.globalmapper.com/global_mapper11.zip with the change for you to try. Simply download that file and extract the contents into your existing v11.xx installation folder to give it a try. If you are using the 64-bit v11 version there is a new build at http://www.globalmapper.com/global_mapper11_64bit.zip .
I am still working on the other issue.
Global Mapper Support
support@globalmapper.com -
I was able to reproduce the other issue and get it fixed as well. I have placed a new build at http://www.globalmapper.com/global_mapper11.zip with the change for you to try. Simply download that file and extract the contents into your existing v11.xx installation folder to give it a try. If you are using the 64-bit v11 version there is a new build at http://www.globalmapper.com/global_mapper11_64bit.zip .
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Global Mapper Support
support@globalmapper.com -
I was expecting a fix of the workspace save issue, rather you attacked the root style issue. How you were able to find such a subtle error is beyond me. This must have been a real head scratcher, given you usually fix bugs in 10-min. I opened my massive workspace and somehow all of the few dozen style errors appear to be gone.
BTW, did I misread your comment above? Can GM attach feature styles when opening a shapefile by Fcode, Ftype or other magic? -
This was a tricky one, it was related to some new style caching stuff in v11.02 that made renders faster, but if the cached style wasn't marked as dirty when a type was changed the old style was drawn instead of the correct one. The workspace itself was fine, it was just a render error.
In answer to your other question, you can automatically style features from Shapefiles and most other vector formats that have attributes. See http://www.globalmapper.com/helpv11/GenericASCIIFormat_FieldOptions.doc for a list of the recognized attribute names and values.
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
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