Global Mapper User
using GlobalMapper 11
I followed the Link
to geosoft,
used their description of the format
and copied the sample file at page 27 into test.gxf
The test.gxf file can not be read by GlobalMapper, which is expected to do. Where is the error?
Thank you.
I followed the Link
to geosoft,
used their description of the format
and copied the sample file at page 27 into test.gxf
The test.gxf file can not be read by GlobalMapper, which is expected to do. Where is the error?
Thank you.
Can you provide the test.gxf file that you created (you'll have to zip it up to attach it here)? I am having trouble copying-and-pasting from the PDF document to create it myself.
Global Mapper Support
support@globalmapper.com -
sorry, this was the wrong pdf, you may try
which allows copy and paste
or try the attachement -
It looks like there were some problems loading GXF files with more than a couple of lines of comments. I have fixed this and now the file loads fine. I have placed a new build at http://www.globalmapper.com/global_mapper11.zip with the change for you to try. Simply download that file and extract the contents into your existing v11.xx installation folder to give it a try. If you are using the 64-bit version, there is a new build available at http://www.globalmapper.com/global_mapper11_64bit.zip .
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
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