Error when opening DGN file on WinXP 64-bit
Global Mapper UserTrusted User
There seems to be problems opening certain (many) DGN-files (not other kind of files) on a WinXP 64-bit system. The error message is attached to this thread and the DGN-file is sent to The file opens nicely in the 32-bit version on the same computer. I have tried this on two different computers with the same error.
Version of GlobalMapper is the 14th of Jan 2010.
Version of GlobalMapper is the 14th of Jan 2010.
The 64-bit DGN library that we have currently has problems with a large number of files. Until we get a fix for that library you'll have to use the 32-bit version of GM to load those files.
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
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