Custom datum parameters reset
Global Mapper User
I have pasted my old custom_datum.txt file in the doc and setting/...GlobalMapper... but after GM was open, all theparameters are reset to 0,0 :
Original file : "Tahiti IGN 51-52","IGN5152","International 1909 (Hayford/Intl 1924)",162.00000000000000000,117.00000000000000000,154.00000000000000000
After a GM session : "Tahiti IGN 51-52","IGN5152","International 1909 (Hayford/Intl 1924)",0.0,0.0,0.0
What's the matter ?
Thank you
I have pasted my old custom_datum.txt file in the doc and setting/...GlobalMapper... but after GM was open, all theparameters are reset to 0,0 :
Original file : "Tahiti IGN 51-52","IGN5152","International 1909 (Hayford/Intl 1924)",162.00000000000000000,117.00000000000000000,154.00000000000000000
After a GM session : "Tahiti IGN 51-52","IGN5152","International 1909 (Hayford/Intl 1924)",0.0,0.0,0.0
What's the matter ?
Thank you
Did you paste the file while Global Mapper was open? You need to make sure that Global Mapper is closed before you place the file there, otherwise it will be overwritten when Global Mapper closes.
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Global Mapper Support -
Global mapper was not open when I past the Custom_datum file.
That's what I do :
-copy and past my old custom datum file in Document and setting/user...
-open GM and close GM
-that's all.
My old file :
"Guadeloupe Ste Anne IGN 1948","STE ANNE","International 1909 (Hayford/Intl 1924)",-472.29000000000002000,-5.62999999999999990,-304.12000000000000000,0.00000211475727700,0.00000405982976561,0.00000124257746468,0.00000189840000000
"Guadeloupe FORT MARIGAUX IGN1949","FORT MARIGAUX","International 1909 (Hayford/Intl 1924)",136.59600000000000000,248.14800000000000000,-429.78899999999999000
"Guyane CSG67","CSG67","International 1909 (Hayford/Intl 1924)",-193.06600000000000000,236.99299999999999000,105.44700000000000000,0.00000233389306086,-0.00000391438566128,0.00000061862225710,0.00000156490000000
"Tahiti IGN 51-52","IGN5152","International 1909 (Hayford/Intl 1924)",162.00000000000000000,117.00000000000000000,154.00000000000000000
"IGN 72","Noumea IGN72","International 1909 (Hayford/Intl 1924)",333.70999999999998000,-71.31000000000000200,247.72000000000000000
"Tananrive 1925","MADA_1925","International 1909 (Hayford/Intl 1924)",-189.00000000000000000,-242.00000000000000000,-91.00000000000000000
"FORT DESAIX","DESAIX_3par","International 1909 (Hayford/Intl 1924)",126.92600000000000000,547.93899999999996000,130.40899999999999000
"Grille Nouvelle Caledonie","RGNC91","GRS 1980",0.00000000000000000,0.00000000000000000,0.00000000000000000
"IGN72 Noumea Grande Terre 7 parametres","IGN72 Noumea 7p","International 1909 (Hayford/Intl 1924)",97.29699999999999700,-263.24299999999999000,310.87900000000002000,0.00000775643227320,-0.00000406627778757,-0.00001522774077240,0.00000100001332600
"IGN56 LIFOU Nouvelle Calédonie","IGN56 Lifou","International 1909 (Hayford/Intl 1924)",137.09200000000001000,131.66000000000000000,91.47499999999999400,-0.00000942283870604,-0.00005623510966822,-0.00002100256499798,-0.00000748235200000
"IGN56 LIFOU Nouvelle Calédonie 2","IGN56 Lifou NC 2","International 1909 (Hayford/Intl 1924)",137.09200000000001000,131.66000000000000000,91.47499999999999400,0.00000942283870604,0.00005623510966822,0.00002100256499798,-0.00000748235200000
"LIFOU 3 p","LIFOU 3p","International 1909 (Hayford/Intl 1924)",137.09200000000001000,131.66000000000000000,91.47499999999999400
"LIFOU ech inv 7p","LIFOU ech inv 7p","International 1909 (Hayford/Intl 1924)",-137.09200000000001000,-131.66000000000000000,-91.47499999999999400,0.00000942283870604,0.00005623510966822,0.00002100256499798,-0.00000748235200000
"int1924","int1924","International 1909 (Hayford/Intl 1924)",0.00000000000000000,0.00000000000000000,0.00000000000000000
"MOP78","MOP78","International 1909 (Hayford/Intl 1924)",252.00000000000000000,-132.00000000000000000,-125.00000000000000000
"Reseau geodesique de la Polynesie Francaise","RGPF","GRS 1980",0.07200000000000000,-0.50700000000000001,-0.24500000000000000,-0.00000008872090364,0.00000000145444104,-0.00000003393695768,-0.00000000930000000
"Nahrwan Qatar","Nahrwan Qatar","Clarke 1880 (RGS)",-250.19999999999999000,-153.09000000000000000,391.69999999999999000
"Bellevue (IGN)","Efate and Erromango Islands","International 1909 (Hayford/Intl 1924)",-127.00000000000000000,-769.00000000000000000,472.00000000000000000
And after GM was open :
"Guadeloupe Ste Anne IGN 1948","STE ANNE","International 1909 (Hayford/Intl 1924)",0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0
"Guadeloupe FORT MARIGAUX IGN1949","FORT MARIGAUX","International 1909 (Hayford/Intl 1924)",0.0,0.0,0.0
"Guyane CSG67","CSG67","International 1909 (Hayford/Intl 1924)",0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0
"Tahiti IGN 51-52","IGN5152","International 1909 (Hayford/Intl 1924)",0.0,0.0,0.0
"IGN 72","Noumea IGN72","International 1909 (Hayford/Intl 1924)",0.0,0.0,0.0
"Tananrive 1925","MADA_1925","International 1909 (Hayford/Intl 1924)",0.0,0.0,0.0
"FORT DESAIX","DESAIX_3par","International 1909 (Hayford/Intl 1924)",0.0,0.0,0.0
"Grille Nouvelle Caledonie","RGNC91","GRS 1980",0.0,0.0,0.0
"IGN72 Noumea Grande Terre 7 parametres","IGN72 Noumea 7p","International 1909 (Hayford/Intl 1924)",0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0
"IGN56 LIFOU Nouvelle Calédonie","IGN56 Lifou","International 1909 (Hayford/Intl 1924)",0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0
"IGN56 LIFOU Nouvelle Calédonie 2","IGN56 Lifou NC 2","International 1909 (Hayford/Intl 1924)",0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0
"LIFOU 3 p","LIFOU 3p","International 1909 (Hayford/Intl 1924)",0.0,0.0,0.0
"LIFOU ech inv 7p","LIFOU ech inv 7p","International 1909 (Hayford/Intl 1924)",0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0
"int1924","int1924","International 1909 (Hayford/Intl 1924)",0.0,0.0,0.0
"MOP78","MOP78","International 1909 (Hayford/Intl 1924)",0.0,0.0,0.0
"Reseau geodesique de la Polynesie Francaise","RGPF","GRS 1980",0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0
"Nahrwan Qatar","Nahrwan Qatar","Clarke 1880 (RGS)",0.0,0.0,0.0
"Bellevue (IGN)","Efate and Erromango Islands","International 1909 (Hayford/Intl 1924)",0.0,0.0,0.0
I had a similar issue. Then the problem was that there was two places where custom_datums was stored. I do not remember where, but I think both in Documents and Settings/.... etc and in the folder of Program Files/GlobalMapper. Everytime GlobalMapper started it deleted one of the two files and used the other. When I deleted both files and only had one file it loaded correctly. You can try to search for the file and see if it is stored more places on your computer?
I took a look and was able to confirm a bug in newer v11.01 builds that wipes all of your transformation settings 0.0 when the new custom datums is written out as Global Mapper closes. I have placed a new build at with this fixed for you to try. Simply download that file and extract the contents into your existing v11.xx installation folder to give it a try. If you are using the 64-bit version, there is a new build available at .
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Global Mapper Support -
I've cheked and definitivly have only one custom_datum.txt file.
For Global Mapper v10 it was in Program File.
If GM v11 don't find it in doc and setting, custom datum are not available in the projection tab...:(
Should I create it again within GM ?
Thanks -
I've tried and it seems to work perfectly
Good and fast :cool:
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