Full stop/period truncates filename on export
Global Mapper UserTrusted User
This is a small issue, easy enough to work around, but I think it's not what the programmer intended. An example is probably the most efficient way to describe it.
I export loaded data to a custom tiling scheme, using the feature "Use selected area feature(s) for grid cells", and specify the column to use for labelling.
If the value in this column contains one or more full stop/period character(s), then the tile is exported without its correct filename extension (such as "png", "tif", or whatever), as if the characters to the right of the last full stop/period had replaced it.
If the column contains, say, "N30_S10_W150_E170" then all is well. But if it contains "N30.25_S10.25_W150.25_E170.25" then the tile is exported with the file extension "25" instead of "png", "tif" or whatever is appropriate.
(From memory I think this affects batch exports from the GUI as well as manual exports. I haven't tested whether it also affects scripting.)
I export loaded data to a custom tiling scheme, using the feature "Use selected area feature(s) for grid cells", and specify the column to use for labelling.
If the value in this column contains one or more full stop/period character(s), then the tile is exported without its correct filename extension (such as "png", "tif", or whatever), as if the characters to the right of the last full stop/period had replaced it.
If the column contains, say, "N30_S10_W150_E170" then all is well. But if it contains "N30.25_S10.25_W150.25_E170.25" then the tile is exported with the file extension "25" instead of "png", "tif" or whatever is appropriate.
(From memory I think this affects batch exports from the GUI as well as manual exports. I haven't tested whether it also affects scripting.)
I can see what you mean. While I think this only affects gridding to selected areas and naming the files from the area names or an attribute, I think I can work around this pretty easily and get you a new build to try.
Global Mapper Support
support@globalmapper.com -
I have fixed the issue with gridded export and areas with periods already in the name/attribute. I have placed a new build at http://www.globalmapper.com/global_mapper11.zip with the change for you to try. Simply download that file and extract the contents into your existing v11.xx installation folder to give it a try. If you are using the 64-bit version, there is a new build available at http://www.globalmapper.com/global_mapper11_64bit.zip .
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Global Mapper Support
support@globalmapper.com -
Yay! That saves me quite a bit of fiddling around. It was more work than I thought actually (renaming .pngs was easy, but the metadata files such as .pgw, .prj were harder). So this will be a real time saver.
Brilliant Mike, thanks. -
By the way I did test the new build and it works perfectly. Thanks again.
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