PolygonClipperEx.cpp Error
Global Mapper User
I have a consistent problem when exporting my generated TINs to DXF or any other vector format. I am not sure what I may be doing but sometimes they files will export fine and others i get the following error:
Error exporting <PATH/FILENAME>
PolygonClipperEx.cpp - 480
Build Time: Nov 13 2009 08:53:19
I have attached a sample file with using the data to generated the TIN. I generated the TIN and exported out to DXF and I get the above error.
Please fix this or example why this is happen so we can work around it.
NOTE: If i export the points from the TIN as a Lidar(las file) and then TIN the lidar points, I do not get this error when exporting to DXF. But - doing this would wipe out breaklines already included in the mesh, so this isn
t an option.
Thanks for your support!
Mike Riggs
Adsync Technologies
I have a consistent problem when exporting my generated TINs to DXF or any other vector format. I am not sure what I may be doing but sometimes they files will export fine and others i get the following error:
Error exporting <PATH/FILENAME>
PolygonClipperEx.cpp - 480
Build Time: Nov 13 2009 08:53:19
I have attached a sample file with using the data to generated the TIN. I generated the TIN and exported out to DXF and I get the above error.
Please fix this or example why this is happen so we can work around it.
NOTE: If i export the points from the TIN as a Lidar(las file) and then TIN the lidar points, I do not get this error when exporting to DXF. But - doing this would wipe out breaklines already included in the mesh, so this isn
t an option.
Thanks for your support!
Mike Riggs
Adsync Technologies
Are you cropping to an area feature on export? I would expect that area to come from a crop operation on export with a bad crop polygon.
Global Mapper Support
support@globalmapper.com -
I was able to reproduce your error and get it fixed. I have placed a new build at http://www.globalmapper.com/global_mapper11.zip with the change for you to try. Simply download that file and extract the contents into your existing v11.xx installation folder to give it a try. If you are using the 64-bit version, there is a new build available at http://www.globalmapper.com/global_mapper11_64bit.zip .
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Global Mapper Support
support@globalmapper.com -
Thank you so much for fixing this. I've been dealing with this problem for months.
Thanks for your support!
Mike Riggs
Adsync Technologies
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