Strange bug in v11.01
Global Mapper UserTrusted User
After installing the newest v11.01 I seem to get alot of new errors - not sure why. They mostly occur while panning. This is the last error message I got:
Unknown error, application will exit:
Dlgv32View.cpp - 8934
Build time: Nov 5 2009 22:09:01
I will see if it is the same error that occurs the other times GlobalMapper-crashes also. The crashes seem fairly "random" however they are much more frequent with the new v11.01 than the "daily updated" v11.00.
Just wanted to let you know.
UPDATE: It seems to crash whichever file I throw at it. And it crashes instantly when I select the "Measure tool" giving the same error. It also crashes not using the measure-tool but just paning and zooming around. I have tried different raster-input and vector input with same result - so it can not be the files themselves that are defect.
Unknown error, application will exit:
Dlgv32View.cpp - 8934
Build time: Nov 5 2009 22:09:01
I will see if it is the same error that occurs the other times GlobalMapper-crashes also. The crashes seem fairly "random" however they are much more frequent with the new v11.01 than the "daily updated" v11.00.
Just wanted to let you know.
UPDATE: It seems to crash whichever file I throw at it. And it crashes instantly when I select the "Measure tool" giving the same error. It also crashes not using the measure-tool but just paning and zooming around. I have tried different raster-input and vector input with same result - so it can not be the files themselves that are defect.
For my part,
This bug systematically appears when i wan't to use the Drag and Grab Button.
So,... i cannot work today...
Thanks -
Yes, this also happens to me with the drag and drop.
sylo: By the way: It is clever to keep the old version (v10) installed so you can easily switch back to that one if something fails with a new update. I just tried this (installing v10) and v10 works nicely.
I am not sure when this strange behaviour started - or if it was right after the update to v11.01 or after a new Windows hotfix was installed. -
There was a bug introduced the night before the v11.01 release that caused this. I have since fixed that bug and updated the official installers and the latest build. I have placed a new build at with the change for you to try. Simply download that file and extract the contents into your existing v11.xx installation folder to give it a try. If you are using the 64-bit version, there is a new build available at .
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Global Mapper Support -
Ah,ok - why didnt I think of that.
Just to ask: Installing the v11.00 and then updating with newest is the same as installing v11.01 and then -
Those should be the same, although I would suggest just downloading and running the new official v11.01 installer, then applying the patch to make sure you have all updated DLLs from v11.00 to v11.01 (I think there was only one update though).
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