Export to kml, coordinates are offset to the left.
Global Mapper User
Hi I export from shapefile (dutch RD) to kml, then the kml created has the wrong coordinates. I believe the conversion from dutch rd isn't working well.
Can you please advise how to solve this?
You can find an example on http://herik.wissit.nl/
the parcels (colored areas are projected perfectly) the buildings are as kml, and are false projected.
Please advise.
Can you please advise how to solve this?
You can find an example on http://herik.wissit.nl/
the parcels (colored areas are projected perfectly) the buildings are as kml, and are false projected.
Please advise.
I had perhaps a similar issue.
When selecting projection be sure to select:
Projection: Dutch Grid
Datum: Dutch (NOT WGS84).
I forgot to change the Datum so it had an offset approx 100m for my test-data. -
Thanks!!!! , i solved it
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