3d view quality
Global Mapper User
can i increase of 3d view resolution.3d view has bad resolution it is not same as global mapper screen.
can i increase of 3d view resolution.3d view has bad resolution it is not same as global mapper screen.
The easiest way to maximize the 3D view resolution is to maximize the 2D view size of the main Global Mapper window and also maximize the 3D view window size. The upcoming v11.01 release should also allowing saving a screenshot of the 3D view in a size larger than the view window size.
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Global Mapper Support
support@globalmapper.com -
Hi, I have an image file having pixels 5m*5m and a DEM of the same area with pixel size 30m*30m. I draped the image over the DEM, and I found the resolution of the 3D view much coarser than the resolution of the 2D view. I thought that it could be due to the larger pixel size in the DEM. In order to chek this, I resampled the DEM to a better resolution of 5m*5m, and draped the image over it. I found that the DEM resolution does actually not affect the 3D output image, which is still much coarser than the 2D view.
3D image subsampling is strong, even maximizing the 2D view size and maximizing the 3D window is not enough, I really need to have the full resolution 3D image. Is there really no means to achieve this (including ways which are not "the easiest way" Mike described above)? For instance changing file format, projection, reducing the geographic extent of the files (my files are quite big, 19000*75000 pixels for both 5x5m files, but my study area is only 1/3 of their spatial extent). I have GM 11.2.
Many thanks! -
Actually in later versions of GM there is a MUCH easier way to improve this! Just open the 3D View Options dialog and there are settings for the 3D View Terrain and Texture resolution, so you can increase those and get a much higher quality display. I would suggest downloading the v14 trial from http://www.bluemarblegeo.com/products/global-mapper-download.php and giving it a try. You can contact gmorders@bluemarblegeo.com to get a discounted quote for upgrading from v11 to v14.
Global Mapper Guru
http://www.bluemarblegeo.com/ -
Mike, I am sorry I should have checked a later version first... it works just fine; version 14 looks terrific! Thank you!
danielek -
Hello, I am experiencing limited resolution in 3D as well which is affecting my output product. I need to capture images in the 3D view (visual impact analysis for forestry operations), and the images are not rendering to the same resolution as the 2D view. I am working in the latest version of GM v19.1 and do not see an option in the 3D View settings for resolution. Has this option been moved and is there another way for me to increase resolution in 3D view?
I have attached a couple of images of what I am seeing. The most important being the "bleeding" effect of the cutblocks. The shapes are even buffered to -5m the original shape so that they are not right up against the tree edge. The surface is a LiDAR derived DSM with the block CHM clipped out (subtracted) from the DSM to appear that it has been logged. The surface is at 1mx1m resolution. Can someone please help get higher resolution or at the least stop this bleeding effect of my cutblocks?
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