Open your own data files - file format
Global Mapper UserTrusted User
I think it's a bug, but not a disabling one.
When I start GM 11 (32 or 64) and the splash screen shows up, I select the first option "Open Your Own Data Files", the file type that is selected is XTF (64 bit), rather than all files or commonly used types. On the 32 bit it is VPF format.
When I start GM 11 (32 or 64) and the splash screen shows up, I select the first option "Open Your Own Data Files", the file type that is selected is XTF (64 bit), rather than all files or commonly used types. On the 32 bit it is VPF format.
The default index is remembered from the last time you changed the index. If you change it back to 'Supported Commonly Used Types' or something similar it should remember that setting.
Global Mapper Support -
This happened to me too when switching back and forth between GM10 and the beta for 11. I have seen it with 11 such as when I downgraded to an earlier build of the global_mapper.exe while testing a memory issue. I usually have it set to All Files (*.*) but find that it flips to XTF when changing the .exe.
That would make sense as v10 and v11 share the same saved index into the filter list. While the 'common supported types' are always at the top, the All Files is at the bottom and its index would change as new supported types are added to Global Mapper.
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