Export to DGN - points not exported
Global Mapper UserTrusted User
I have a input-file with points and text (CSV-file) which displays correctly within GM with text and points. When I export to DGN only the Text is exported and not the points. I have tried to also export to Simple ASCII text and then reopen in GM - that keeps the points intact. It seems to be a bug in the export of points to DGN. I have sent the file used to support@globalmapper.com
This is actually normal. When you bring the DGN file back into Global Mapper it does create a point feature to display the text, it just comes in by default with no symbol rather than a default symbol. There really isn't a standard place to save what symbol to use in Global Mapper in the DGN file. If you click at the lower left of the text you can select the point feature the text is attached too and edit it to display a dot.
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Global Mapper Support
support@globalmapper.com -
There I found the points. However when I import the DGN into Microstation it displays only the text. The strange thing is that the text have got height-value, however there is no point shown for this - only a text element. That might be due to old Microstation 2004 or a matter of changing the display of text to reveal a point hiding behind the text. I just wanted to make sure that both the text-object and the point-object got exported from GlobalMapper.
In Global Mapper the text and the point are not separate features, the text is associated with the point feature. I suppose I could export separate point and text features to the DGN files for points in Global Mapper that have a symbol rather than just exporting a text feature at some point, but I'm not sure that is the correct behavior as you would then get 2 separate features imported back into GM (a symbol-less text point and a point with a symbol but no text).
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