MrSID data display problem
Global Mapper User
GM 11.0 build Aug 16 2009 displays MrSID raster data with some error. On zoom levels close to 1:1 and greater than 1:1 (when one actual pixel is greater than monitor pixel) there is some border at left and top sides of displayed data. Border consists of 2-3 duplicated pixels along side of window. Bug exists only if window projection is equal to original projection of raster, in main window and in rectification dialog. It's not new bug, it exists in v10.
Can you send a screenshot of what you are talking about? The only issue I saw was if you zoomed in beyond where a single MrSID pixel took up the entire screen. Are you perhaps seeing the left and right borders of the map display window which are a couple of pixels in size?
Global Mapper Support -
It's screen content capture, made by own GM function
I used N-40-40.sid from GeoCover mosaic.
This "bug" is not so significant, but it could be annoying in rectification mode, when high zooms are normal situation. -
Is it possible for you to post the .sid file in question or email it to so that I can try? I have placed a new build at with a change I made to fix the problem when zoomed in so a single pixel fills the screen. This may fix your issue as well. Simply download that file and extract the contents into your existing v11.xx installation folder to give it a try.
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Global Mapper Support -
This new build works fine, no more duplicated pixels along window sides.
That .sid file is very big, if you still need it, it could be downloaded here -
Thanks for letting me know. I don't need the file anymore if the problem is fixed.
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