V11: Possible custom shader bug?
Global Mapper UserTrusted User
When I define a custom shader in V11.00 Beta 2, the defined colors seem not to be "remembered" between sessions. The shader name and the defined altitudes are correctly picked up when I resume work, but every corresponding color has been reset to H/S/L = 45/234/127 and R/G/B = 224/252/18, a combination a novelist might call "gangrene green". Am I doing something wrong?
Can you provide maybe a screenshot of your custom shader dialog prior to exiting, then what it looks like if you edit the shader again after reloading? Also, can you post the contents of your custom_shaders.txt file? You can find it in your app data folder (check the Help->About dialog for the location of the file).
Global Mapper Support
support@globalmapper.com -
Screenshots are attached showing the before-and-after custom shader settings. I left in, as background, a small piece of the map to show the color change that occurs whenever I exit Global Mapper 11 Beta and then start a new session. The content of the custom_shaders.txt file is here embedded:
"Cowlitz Rocks test@0", 1000.00000000000000000,1244384, 1500.00000000000000000,1244384, 2000.00000000000000000,1244384, 2500.00000000000000000,1244384, 3000.00000000000000000,1244384
"Rainier@0", 500.00000000000000000,1244384, 1000.00000000000000000,1244384, 1500.00000000000000000,1244384, 2000.00000000000000000,1244384, 2500.00000000000000000,1244384, 3000.00000000000000000,1244384, 3500.00000000000000000,1244384, 4000.00000000000000000,1244384, 4500.00000000000000000,1244384
(There are two custom shaders defined; the one I'm illustrating is "Rainier", but both behave identically.) This file does not seem to be changed during sessions.
Thanks for your very quick attention to my query--even on Sunday! Very impressive. -
I can see from your custom_shaders.txt file that the colors are indeed all set to the same color. However if I use your file and then edit it, then close and re-open Global Mapper the edited colors are saved, so I'm thinking maybe you are experiencing a bug that has been fixed. Can you try the latest installer from http://www.globalmapper.com/global_mapper11_setup.exe and see if that makes any difference?
Global Mapper Support
support@globalmapper.com -
It still works as it did before, i.e., it "forgets" the custom colors between sessions. The re-installation appeared to work flawlessly, but I did not uninstall the original one. The "about" tab is now showing a "build time" of July 26 at 08:35:14, if that's useful information for you. Also, something I should have reported initially but forgot--I'm sorry!--I'm using the 64-bit version under Vista. I'll try reverting to the 32-bit if you think that's a factor.
I'll give the 64-bit version a try and see if that makes a difference.
Just to check the obvious, but when you are changing the colors are you pressing OK through all of the dialogs so that your changes are actually applied?
Global Mapper Support
support@globalmapper.com -
I was able to reproduce the issue in a 64-bit build and fix it. I have placed a new build at http://www.globalmapper.com/global_mapper11_64bit.zip with the change for you to try. Simply download that file and extract the contents into your existing v11.xx installation folder to give it a try.
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Global Mapper Support
support@globalmapper.com -
Yes, I do "OK" my way out of the custom shader dialog boxes. The colors ARE applied nicely (I included some background on the screenshots I sent earlier to show that my definition was taking effect, but the effect is subtle because I am choosing pastel tints), but they fail to reappear on the next session. The fact that the name of the shader and the vector of assigned altitudes ARE both remembered makes me think that the shader WAS recorded; it's just that the original colors all seem to be replaced by some sort of default value.
I haven't tried it, but I imagine there may be some workaround whereby the altitude-color pairs are explicitly saved in some sort of graphics industry standard format file? -
I guess our posts crossed in the ether. Thank you very much for your persistence and prompt attention. I'll try out the new improved 64-bit version right away (and of course you'll be the first to know if I have a problem, but I don't anticipate that I will). Again, I apologize for failing to state from the start that I'm using the 64-bit variety. I ought to have realized that that was relevant information.
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