Small bug in GUI

Global Mapper UserTrusted User
When doint batch reproject/convert a statusbar is showing the progress for each file (0-100%). Meanwhile it ususally says: Writing: test.tif. However when you have a long filename (averylongfilenamewhichislongerthanthebox.tif) it will put the filename on the next line (mostly under the statusbar-meter itself) and make it unreadable - an option might be to either show only a part of the filename (averylongfilename... or averylong....thebox.tif or ....longerthanthebox.tif) or make room for the complete filename
Another request: When doing batch reproject/convert it might be usefull with the following information:
"Files finished: x of y" (for instance File finished: 7 of 281)
"ETA: 1 hour 30 minutes" (with the current speed try to estimate the time left, not sure if the MB/sec write is the best measure for this or if it is even possible under all circumstances)
Another request: When doing batch reproject/convert it might be usefull with the following information:
"Files finished: x of y" (for instance File finished: 7 of 281)
"ETA: 1 hour 30 minutes" (with the current speed try to estimate the time left, not sure if the MB/sec write is the best measure for this or if it is even possible under all circumstances)
I second the files finished and eta suggestions.When doint batch reproject/convert a statusbar is showing the progress for each file (0-100%). Meanwhile it ususally says: Writing: test.tif. However when you have a long filename (averylongfilenamewhichislongerthanthebox.tif) it will put the filename on the next line (mostly under the statusbar-meter itself) and make it unreadable - an option might be to either show only a part of the filename (averylongfilename... or averylong....thebox.tif or ....longerthanthebox.tif) or make room for the complete filename
Another request: When doing batch reproject/convert it might be usefull with the following information:
"Files finished: x of y" (for instance File finished: 7 of 281)
"ETA: 1 hour 30 minutes" (with the current speed try to estimate the time left, not sure if the MB/sec write is the best measure for this or if it is even possible under all circumstances) -
I have updated the progress dialog to truncate and add ellipses for extra long text. I have placed a new build at with the change for you to try. Simply download that file and extract the contents into your existing v11.xx installation folder to give it a try.
I have an item on the todo list to add an ETA, but it is a pretty vague process so it wouldn't always be real accurate.
Global Mapper Support -
> I have an item on the todo list to add an ETA, but it is a pretty vague process so it wouldn't always be real accurate.
Kind of like the Windows ETA for transferring files over a network
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