Weird bug in V11
Global Mapper UserTrusted User
Here's a weird one. I have a SHP file I use all the time in V10 and V11 b1 that has the US states. In B2, it somehow mixes up the names and put them all over the place. You can even see the Name in the Feature box at top doesn't match the Name in Attribute.
It only happens when I load the SHP file through a gmw file that I created a long time ago. If I load SHP file directly it works fine. If I load the SHP file and create a new gmw file it works fine. Is there some kind of incompatibility between old gmw files and new ones?
It only happens when I load the SHP file through a gmw file that I created a long time ago. If I load SHP file directly it works fine. If I load the SHP file and create a new gmw file it works fine. Is there some kind of incompatibility between old gmw files and new ones?
If you modify a file (like applying labels from attributes) those changes are saved in the workspace by tying them to an index of a feature in the original file. This is all fine unless either the original file changes so the indexes of the changes no longer match the feature they went with, or (more rarely) something changes in the Global Mapper importer to change the feature indexes of the file at load time.
I'm not sure which happened to you, but it is almost certainly what is happening.
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Global Mapper Support -
Could be something like that. Hard to say. But it works just fine in v10 and v11 b1. Only gets scrambled up in v11 b2. Not a big deal for me either way since it's an easy enough fix.
Thanks. -
That is strange. If you load the same workspace now in v10 it works fine? That is a bit unexpected as the Shapefile import shouldn't have changed since v10. If this is the case can you provide me with the files at so that I can take a look?
Global Mapper Support -
emailing to you now.
Thanks for the files. I took a look and discovered that a recent performance enhancement to importing large polygons from Shapefiles wasn't working quite right. Once I fixed that your workspace loaded fine. I have placed a new build at with the change for you to try. Simply download that file and extract the contents into your existing v11.xx installation folder to give it a try.
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
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