Synchronize Google Earth view with Global Mapper map extents
Global Mapper User
I've come across some tools for ArcGIS that would also be great additions to Global Mapper. These tools synchronize your map extents in Google Earth (in Internet Explorer, plug-in required) with your view in ArcMap. So the suggestion is to have a tool in Global Mapper that will synchronize a Google Earth view based on the Global Mapper map extents. This functionality would be great for Global Mapper given the constraints of how much online imagery you can pull into the application on a daily basis (if all you're doing is using the imagery for reference). There is a YouTube demo here:
YouTube - Integrating ESRI ArcMap with Google Earth API
Along the same lines, it would be very handy to synchronize instances of Global Mapper as well. So you could have 4 Global Mapper sessions tiled on your screen, with all map extents linked - could allow you to view multiple layers of data all at once. This is very handy. I hope you will consider this for future development options (or even better, is it already being developed??).
YouTube - Integrating ESRI ArcMap with Google Earth API
Along the same lines, it would be very handy to synchronize instances of Global Mapper as well. So you could have 4 Global Mapper sessions tiled on your screen, with all map extents linked - could allow you to view multiple layers of data all at once. This is very handy. I hope you will consider this for future development options (or even better, is it already being developed??).
That is a pretty neat idea. I will add it to the todo list. Hopefully the Google Earth API makes this simple.
I will also add an item to sync up multiple Global Mapper views. Right now an enterprising user could do this using the External Control API which is described on the Developers page at GIS Mapping Software - GPS Mapping Software - Satellite Maps - Aerial Photos [Global Mapper]. It provides external control of the Global Mapper application in some ways, like setting the view, so that external application could in theory control multiple instances of Global Mapper.
Global Mapper Support -
Did this ever happen?
In Garmin Mapsource you can click View in Google Earth. What that does is open Google Earth in a new window and pass the Center on Location parameter and the map scale. Now GE is showing the same area as Mapsource, or hopefully Global Mapper.
Thanks -
Hi,Is there any update on such a feature?ThanksAb.
In Global Mapper, you can open a Google Earth with the same bounds as the current view using View | Zoom View | Zoom to View in Google Earth.
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