Export to XML File
Global Mapper UserTrusted User
Is it possible to add an "Export to .XML" option (for elevation data)? Many applications are incorporating this format now. I work with MicroStation and AutoCAD a lot and one way to share topographic data between the two platforms is by converting a surface into and .XML file. This file format is currently the best way to share this type of information between different software platforms that have proprietary formats.
XML isn't really a full format description, there has to be some particular XML-based layout to describe a format. Do you have a sample of the XML files used by AutoCAD or MicroStation? It seems like for any surface of significant size that an XML file would be massive compared to a the same surface in a binary structured format.
Global Mapper Support
support@globalmapper.com -
I have some samples, but the are all more than 50 MB. Typically the XML file is about three times the size of the .dtm or .tin file. Is there a way to get you a file that is too big to email?
Does each software have its own XML layout? The typical way I have used it is to create a surface (dtm) using Bentley InRoads and export it to a Land/XML file which can be imported into various AutoCAD applications like Land Desktop or Civil 3D. Overall I am looking for a surface file format that can be imported into various applications, so maybe the XML format isn't really solving that if I understand you correctly.
You can FTP a large file to ftp.globalmapper.com. Use a username of 'upload' and a password of 'upload' to log in.
There are lots of XML formats, including several supported by Global Mapper like GPX, KML, and Garmin's Map Catalog format. Basically XML is a format meta-descriptor that people can use to create actual formats from. Land/XML is another XML-based format, although it is not yet supported by Global Mapper.
For your surface file, lots of applications support Arc ASCII Grids, BIL, DEM, or DXF mesh files, all of which Global Mapper can export (in addition to lots of other less common formats).
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Global Mapper Support
support@globalmapper.com -
I am looking to see if there has been any movement on this subject. I am specifically interested in exporting to LandXML so it can be used in Civil 3D in downstream workflows.
I am currently at 16.2 but will probably be upgrading to the 17.x very soon.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
We have an open feature request (#10738) to export LandXML, but it has not been implemented yet. We will post a message to this thread when the status of the request changes.
Bob -
I also spend a lot of time with CADD and Micro station especially working with surfaces, having the ability from Global Mapper to export either .xml or .tin surface files would be a huge help
t_gere@pnd-anc.com said:I also spend a lot of time with CADD and Micro station especially working with surfaces, having the ability from Global Mapper to export either .xml or .tin surface files would be a huge help
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