Global Mapper v26.0

Anomaly using custom gridding in batch export

tjhb Global Mapper UserTrusted User
edited June 2009 in Bug Report

There seems to be an anomaly in the implementation of custom gridding under File|Batch Export/Reproject (GM 10.02, 3 June build).

The option to "Crop to the rectangular bounding box of each area" (i.e. No, in the dialog in question) seems to be applied always, even if "Crop to the exact area boundary" (Yes) is selected.

So for example if using a group of circular polygons to make a sequence of crops from a DEM, the resulting DEMs show all pixels within the bounding box of their circle, not just the pixels inside it.

Using the fully manual method, i.e. File|Export Raster, the option is respected, so that circular polygons produce rasters showing circular patterns of pixels.

Tim Baigent


  • tjhb
    tjhb Global Mapper User Trusted User
    edited June 2009
    P.s. I just tried selecting the "No" option, to see if "Yes" and "No" were switched, but the result is the same, i.e. crop to bounding box.
  • global_mapper
    global_mapper Administrator
    edited June 2009
    I was able to find and fix the problem. I have placed a new build at with the change for you to try. Simply download that file and extract the contents into your existing v10.xx installation folder to give it a try.

    Let me know if I can be of further assistance.


    Global Mapper Support
  • tjhb
    tjhb Global Mapper User Trusted User
    edited June 2009
    Yes, that fixes it completely. Hard to express my admiration adequately without (bla bla bla). Just thanks.
