Search finding closed layers - Small Bug
Roger Edrinn
Global Mapper UserTrusted User
Mike, Found you a small bug to play with . . . in your spare time.
I load my shape files in threes, Area, Flowline, and Waterbody. After I've defined the features of all the vectors, I'll open another sub-basin of three and close the first three, in that order. When I use the search tool on the second group, it sees the vectors in the closed layers. This is a pain because I see already modified items mixed with new items.
I've noticed this for some time. IIRC, the search window need not be resident when loading the second group. But, because the search window does not remember its settings, I keep it open an entire session.
However, search does NOT see the vectors from previous closed layers. I probably have close to 100-layers now. Also, I rarely do more than two sub-basins in a row, my wee brain shuts down.
I load my shape files in threes, Area, Flowline, and Waterbody. After I've defined the features of all the vectors, I'll open another sub-basin of three and close the first three, in that order. When I use the search tool on the second group, it sees the vectors in the closed layers. This is a pain because I see already modified items mixed with new items.
I've noticed this for some time. IIRC, the search window need not be resident when loading the second group. But, because the search window does not remember its settings, I keep it open an entire session.
However, search does NOT see the vectors from previous closed layers. I probably have close to 100-layers now. Also, I rarely do more than two sub-basins in a row, my wee brain shuts down.
I assume that you are using the latest build of Global Mapper, correct? Are you saying that after you actually close some maps (not just hide them) that results from those layers are still showing up in the results list? Perhaps you are just referring to hidden layer items showing up?
Global Mapper Support -
Yes I'm hiding the layers not closing them. Recently hidden layers show up in search, whereas layers hidden before I started searching do not. By hiding I'm referring to using the check boxes in the OverLay CC.
Should not hiding layers make them invisible to search?
Thanks -
I have updated the search to no longer display results from hidden layers or from feature types that are disabled for display on the Vector Display tab of the Configuration dialog. I have placed a new build at with the change for you to try. Simply download that file and extract the contents into your existing v9.xx installation folder to give it a try.
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
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