Export web format function in API

Global Mapper User
I am writing a script to batch-process a number of raster files. I would like to know if the Export-web format function is available in the API? I could not find out how to do this.
Thanks in advance for your help,
I am writing a script to batch-process a number of raster files. I would like to know if the Export-web format function is available in the API? I could not find out how to do this.
Thanks in advance for your help,
The function in the API is the GM_ExportWebFormat function.
Global Mapper Support
support@globalmapper.com -
Thanks for your speedy reply. Can you direct me to the latest script reference, I have been using the one on GLOBAL MAPPER - Support - Script Reference. I couldn't find GM_ExportWebFormat on there..
Chris -
Ok - looking further into this am I right in thinking that GM_ExportWebFormat is not available through the scripting capability provided with a standard GM license? In other words in order to use this I'd need to develop my own app via the SDK?
Chris -
Yes, the GM_ExportWebFormat is a function in the SDK, not a command in the scripting language. There is not currently a way to export for web formats other than KML/KMZ via the scripting language.
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Global Mapper Support
support@globalmapper.com -
Is this still the case?
Mungo T said:Is this still the case?
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